Really struggling with PPC Arbitrage

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
Hey guys,
it's been about a week now since i've started my arbitrage voyage and it has been a bumpy road. i mainly advertise on searchfeed and 7search..and there has been issues on CTR and clicks on my ads. Recently, I was able to solve the clicks on ads issue...a little. but now my problem is my CTR is pretty low. At first i went with pretty good content mixed in with ads..then i went simpler, which gave me about the same CTR, then i went raw. Raw sites gave me a high CTR for the first day. high meaning around 33%. but then the next day(yesterday) my CTR shot to about 10% with 100 visits. Today, just this morning, i got about 50 visits and 2 clicks and the clicks were on link ads. I was wondering if anyone can offer me some help. my main site is If you can post here with suggestions or even PM me, that would be too awesome

For one thing your site loads really, really slow.

Look at what the other arbitrage sites bidding for your keywords are doing. That will give ou an idea of what works and what doesn't.
Design Suggestions

1) Content Headers
Change the "Free Housing".. "Free Medical, Dental.." Headers to have the same colors as the Google Advertisements.

Light Blue and Underlined.

2) Engaging Images
I would add more images mixed into the content and maybe revisit the image header at the top. I would change it so the professional doctors in the header are not hazed out .. and more crisp. Also the Logo needs a little more thought. "For Work For Life" is a great slogan.. bring that out .. as it will sell the site.

Advertising Suggestions
1) With your content matching your advertising colors (Light Blue and Underlined) I would move the 300px block up to the top with a H1 header and maybe a single sentence above it.

2) Google allows images next to their advertisements.. do it.

3) The link bar at the top.. because the quality of the traffic that lower tier engines provide is low.. I am not sure how effective these links are.. you just gave the user an exit on your website that you don't get paid for unless they click another link.. hmm. I think that you could loose some clicks from that. Look at -- Those links at the top might be more effective.. give that a shot?

4) The right side skyscraper has a huge amount of space above it that is dead in both foxfire and safari.. I would toss an image in there.. I would even go so far as using the smaller skyscraper ad 120x240 and putting maybe a image or some text above and below it?

Those are my suggestions.. Good luck!
I would start by moving it to a host that will deliver the pages much faster. To be honest, people probably leave the site before they've even arrived, if you see what I mean.

With the site itself, the first thing I would do is shorten the page length. You could cut that page in half. That would provide a bit more focus on te ads.

The other thing is, your niche (NEESH!). The ads look like they wouldn't pay much, so it might be dead in the water. But only you know about that.
yeah, the ads i guess your right=D but i guess what i want most right now is just to get my overall CTR higher. I know i will have to lose a little money in this process so right now, i'm just hoping to get a higher CTR. then i will try to move on to better niches(NITCHEs!)
Nitches? What're they? Sorry... can't help you with that one ;)

Start by reducing the length of the page. That will probably instantly help your CTR.
I made it a twee bit shorter. Is that better or should i condense even more if i can? I also added a picture in the side bar and a picture above my ad block right below the title. do you like those?
juniodude said:
haha, i like your new signature jon. when did u change it?

Yesterday, when I looked at the convo I was having with my partner and realized it was kinda funny.
juniodude said:
yeah, the ads i guess your right=D but i guess what i want most right now is just to get my overall CTR higher. I know i will have to lose a little money in this process so right now, i'm just hoping to get a higher CTR. then i will try to move on to better niches(NITCHEs!)

So here are my tips

1) CTR jumps when people cannot find what they want on you site. (in arbitrage)

2) CTR increases when there is images next to the ads (Do not use on YPN)

3) CTR increases when ads are placed in areas where you are conditioned to look.

4) 336 x 280, 300 x 250 and 160 x 600 ads work the best
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I see...interesting(sorry i've been saying this for no apparent reason recently)

So, should i put images right next to my adsense or is above okay? As for tip #4, do you suggest me to get rid of the 2 skyscraper ad blocks?
oh wow, we need sound thats so crazy. you did so looks nice. i added to your rep=D
Hey i was wondering, though, will the blue underlined topics thing confuse ppl and make them think that those "nurse needed ads" cant be clicked? And also should I leave an image above the ad block even if i add the 4 images?
Only took a few minutes to toss together, besides you're sharing your experience with the community and I think that is a benefit to all.

I've got some ideas for the right column and top that i'll share when i have some time.

Take care -Dan
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