Really pissed at someone and all I have is their email. Oh what to do?

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You went out on the town and posted to WF about Craigslist/bar drama on your G1 ?

Is this question some of that stupid shit that gets made fun of?

I found out about it and had some time to kill so I thought I would start a thread and have some decent replies/ideas when I checked it later. Turns out that someone who has no idea about what information was posted wants to bash the OP about the validity of his question.

Im gonna ask one more time? Have anything decent to contribute to my thread/question or are you going to keep questioning me about my night?

Im glad that my stupid shit thread can give you something to do tonight.

Oh wait I jsut re-read your repsonse about how it was hard for people not to believe something if it has your personal info on it! Well shit, man, what was I thinking? If something has your name and info on it then that's better than getting stamped by 8 notaries public and a George Harrison impersonator! Holy crap!

Like I said, only idiots are gonna blieve that shit and if you weren't an idiot then you wouldn't have any reason to worry about it.

And no, my question isn't some of the stupid shit that gets made fun of. It was a question making fun of you.

And if you haven't noticed, I HAVE been contributing to this thread B/C I'M FUNNY AS HELL!
Ok, honestly, here's what I'd do:

1. Approach your boyfriend
2. Say, in as strong a voice as you can muster: "I don't think so!"
3. Bitch slap him as hard as you can
4. Snap your fingers in a pattern resembling the letter Z
5. Turn, sharply, and walk away, head held high!
Well if they posted your personal info, you might have something to worry about other than image. Like, something that's actually significant.

But really do you think that having your personal info posted hurts your image somehow? I mean if someone posts that then they're obviously a psycho and who's going to believe them anyway?

Oh wait. Other idiots and other psychos. You definitely want to protect your rep among idiots and psychos.

Guess you should email him the shit-pants attachment after all.

Are you a fucking retard? I REALLLLLLY dont give a fuck about what you think I should feel about what the craigslist post contained. Really.

Does it say anywhere in my post "Hey guys could you please tell me that im over-reacting about something a dumbass posted on craigslist about me?" No... it doesnt.

Just for you im going to give you a hypothetical situation.

Someone posts a story including personal info or your on the internet. The story is false but the personal info is true. following along so far?(probably not) You start getting random phone calls about this post on craigslist. Then you get a call from a friend that found out about it from someone else. You then read the post and respond to it from a fake email address just to get the posters email.

Now.... heres the whole fucking point to my thread that has gone way over your head for too long now.

What to do with this email?

Cant think of anything to do? Well then, by all means please keep yourself from posting stupid shit that you think is clever and going to make yourself feel cooler on the internet.
Dude I don't care about feeling cool on the internet, I just want to have fun. Like, making fun of people who say they are worried about their image! Sorry but it's just so hard to resist such an easy target. Plus I'm mean-spirited.

I'll leave you alone now. Don't forget the shitpants attachment.
Get a I-Net hitman to fuck up his computer shit, Gotta work on him over time though, costs $$$

PM me for info
this is what you do...

Spam bomb

[ame=]YouTube - Paul asks how to spam/bomb emails. I answer.[/ame]
I love being an attention-whore -- so I usually myself post bad things about me online.

Seriously dude, get a life and read Art of War by Sun Tsu.
He'd get nixed for personal army.

Not if he's sneaky about it. I've done it before, /b/ works like a charm if you're pissed at someone. You just have to get a little creative and bend the truth. If you're just like "I hate this guy. Spam him and hack his mother's bangbus account" They will politely request that you leave their site lol
Young Entrepreneur Forums - View Single Post - I Drive a...

A bartender, who drives a Lamborghini...

You're a complete moron.

You're still sore about that? Im not a "bartender". I do bartend twice a week because its fun and to learn the operations of the business. :rolleyes:

I have a very good opportunity to buy the bar that I work at for pennies on the dollar.

What car I drive is a completely other topic that has nothing to do with this thread. Its impossible for a person to work at a bar 2 nights a week and drive a lambo? hmmm you kind sir, are a fucking moron.

Now please, answer the question of what to do with his email or move the fuck on, You worthless sack of flesh.
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