Really pissed at someone and all I have is their email. Oh what to do?

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New member
Sep 24, 2007
Houston Tx
This douche posted something on craigslist about me and I just recieved a phone call about it saying everyone was talking about it at a bar where he works.

The post is completely untrue I responded to it just to get his email. Any suggestions?

Break your own legs. You will get sympathy from hot nurses, and it might help keep you out of jail.

Somebody posted some shit about you on craigslist, then a bunch of drunk people at a bar laugh about it and you get mad?

Your life sucks bro, move on.
email is not enough for revenge.. the most you can do is to submit their emails to porn sites or the kind so that they get spammed like hell...
Submit his email to email submit sites. Better yet if you make a few dollars from each submit!
post to a forum about how big of a douche you are and how sticks and stones break your bones and words apparently hurt you... oh, wait, check.
why do you even bother about some guy posting some shit about you on Craig List !
Its not about hurting me, its about image. Some of us keyboard jockeys actually go out and socialize with people.

My post wasnt asking how would you guys react to someone writing something untrue about you. I was asking what you would do with an email if that was the only thing you could do at the time to teach someone a lesson.

Please answer the question and dont waste your time trying to bash someone about something you know nothing about.

Answer the question or move the fuck along.

k thx.
if some posting on craigslist is that dangerous to your image, then you either never had much cred to begin with or else you hang out with a bunch of idiots who believe everything they read on craigslist. and have too much free fucking time on their hands.

and seriously man this is the last forum where i'd post some stupid-ass drama story and then when people made fun of me, say to them "please answer the stupid ass question that i just asked or else don't pay any attention to it." i mean have you not noticed that people love to make fun of dumb shit here?

oh yeah and make sure you post at 10pm on friday night so we all know how much you like to socialize away from the keyboard.
if some posting on craigslist is that dangerous to your image, then you either never had much cred to begin with or else you hang out with a bunch of idiots who believe everything they read on craigslist. and have too much free fucking time on their hands.

and seriously man this is the last forum where i'd post some stupid-ass drama story and then when people made fun of me, say to them "please answer the stupid ass question that i just asked or else don't pay any attention to it." i mean have you not noticed that people love to make fun of dumb shit here?

oh yeah and make sure you post at 10pm on friday night so we all know how much you like to socialize away from the keyboard.

Well, its kind of hard to not believe it when its actually my personal info. phone number, address ect. that was included in this post.

Suggest something I can do with this guys email or please shut the fuck up. THANKS!

By the way I just got home. All the previous posts were done via G1. ass clown
Well if they posted your personal info, you might have something to worry about other than image. Like, something that's actually significant.

But really do you think that having your personal info posted hurts your image somehow? I mean if someone posts that then they're obviously a psycho and who's going to believe them anyway?

Oh wait. Other idiots and other psychos. You definitely want to protect your rep among idiots and psychos.

Guess you should email him the shit-pants attachment after all.
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