Really? Old news from RetardiPoint...


Rank Blasters
Apr 20, 2011

I've seen this picture before, but still think to myself what a sad bastard he is lol.
That's an oldschool pic. I think he had a Shoemoney tattoo as well. Early era of linkbait.
Guy is a faggot never completed some sites I paid him for.

Well, at least you know your money went to good use on some sweet tats.

If he was a member here, he probably has Ryan Eagle, Uber, and Nicky Cakes tattooed on himself as well by now.

If there is a God, he'd have found WarriorForum and we'll be seeing Wagenheim tattoos soon...

PleaseOhPleaseOhPlease let that happen.
m0rtal may have beef with him...

But I like the guy. He's got like 10 kids and has some of the funniest tattoos. Even more amusing, he loathes Shoemoney now. But he's a Wickedfire fan, so I'm all for it. He'll randomly chime in for a quick chat. He said he'd do the WF logo tattoo, but wanted funds for it, which I'm not a fan of.. not because I'm a cheap Jew, but because I think its a pride thing, do it because you're a fan not because its a biz. :)

Well, let me edit this, I would compensate him/someone for the cost of the tattoo at most. Because that's the least I can do to show my appreciation of being a live billboard.
Quoted me before I edited, doesn't look like he's banned here's an awesome thread from him:

According to that thread, he got paid $500 to get tattooed.

For some reason, that seems worse than doing it just for being a dumbshit.

At least if he did it because he was dumb it was something he (for some reason) actually wanted to do.

Wow. People never cease to amaze me. For a measly $500...
m0rtal may have beef with him...

But I like the guy. He's got like 10 kids and has some of the funniest tattoos. Even more amusing, he loathes Shoemoney now. But he's a Wickedfire fan, so I'm all for it. He'll randomly chime in for a quick chat. He said he'd do the WF logo tattoo, but wanted funds for it, which I'm not a fan of.. not because I'm a cheap Jew, but because I think its a pride thing, do it because you're a fan not because its a biz. :)

Maybe I'll contact him and offer him a few hundred to put a site logo on himself. The linkbait alone would likely be worth it. The lulz definitely would (I still have some colon cleanse sites laying around...:D)
According to that thread, he got paid $500 to get tattooed.

For some reason, that seems worse than doing it just for being a dumbshit.

At least if he did it because he was dumb it was something he (for some reason) actually wanted to do.

Wow. People never cease to amaze me. For a measly $500...

I've seen a chick blow a German Shepherd for a $20 crack rock back in the day so this is nothing.
I read that thread, it was super hilarious and typical WF asshole, piercing comments aha UNTIL he apologized and I felt so bad.

If he is still hanging around, his skin is probably tougher and wonder what he's all about now.

That thread was like 2007... he got raped ahhaha