
my offer stands..

just don't be one of the cross country bitches

thank you,
So this re-bill passed the bullshit facebook "we never approve anything and when we do there's no way to figure out why" test?.....and yet I can't get a "Win a Free Macbook" ad approved after 20 versions? This is why I can't stand Facebook advertising.
maybe retarded college students shouldn't take out so many loans to go on vacations in europe (semesters abroad) or to pay outrageous tuition on an education that is obsolete and won't help them financially.

College students I've known who are heavily in debt sure don't act like they are in debt. They spend hundreds of dollars a week at the bar/liquor store and hundreds of dollars a week on starbucks/illegal drugs/other bullshit.

And then after they didn't work for 4 years and racked up a hundred thousand dollars in debt to go to a private college when they could have spent 1/4th at a state university they start facebook groups demanding that they're student loans be forgiven, wiped away, because it's not fair.
