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John P

New member
Mar 29, 2011
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Our 2ND Thread! [#1]

The review we linkbaited you with in the title.

RankNest has been around for years - and you've probably bought our links if you visit other SEO forums, since we've never been up on Wickedfire.

In fact - if you already know who we are, and what we offer, and just want to start ordering for your websites before our queue clogs up - here you are.


But we've been working hard to build a whole new legion of inventory - and we're finally up and running again :)

And due to the hundreds and hundreds of added sites in the NEW INVENTORY - we decided to close up shop everywhere else and EXCLUSIVELY serve WickedFire members. Everyone else can suck it. Or join Wickedfire to get access to the PBN.

Speaking of which - what is the "INFAMOUS GOOGLE-PROOF" PBN?

a. Thousands of blogs and websites built organically over years and years.

b. Unique IPs, niches, themes, content - no footprints, no 2 blogs are alike, and you'd never be able to see it was a PBN blog unless I told you first.

c. Because of #2 - we are the only GOOGLE-PROOF PBN ever. We don't want to imply Cutts retired because he was like "I'm spending the best years of my life chasing down a network I'll never find" - but he did retire, so yeah.

d. High PR/DA/PA/TF/whatever other metric will be made up in 6 months for those metric cartel sites to cash in on. They're all based on the concept of a good, aged, natural website - which is about 100% of our inventory.

e. We do all links manually inhouse. There are no robots or Thais who don't speak English. Handdone quality = we rank you long time. That's why we're finally raising our prices after 2 years of giving you what was SUPPOSED to be introductory pricing (inside joke to past buyers of RankNest)

So what's the service?

Our famous niche packs are back. All you need to worry about is:

1. picking a package

2. include your keywords, URLs and a narrow and broad niche for us to work with.

We then:

3. Scrape our massive PBN for posts relating to your niche. (That's why we ask for a narrow and broad target, we may not find many posts about 'an 18th century victorian birdbath' - but we can find plenty of 'lawn accessories' and 'home and garden' posts.)

4. Hand edit the aged, high DA/PA/TF/etc articles relating to your niche (not just dropping a link like SAPE does - but rewriting the sentence in a paragraph to make contextual sense with your link smackdab in the middle)

5. Send you a report, if you request one. Check the FAQs at the end of the thread for an explanation - but the jist is not sending you a report protects you from yourself because your friends are your friends until they see the source of your SEO superpowers (which you'll inevitably want to brag about). Then they'll destroy all the SEO and links you bragged to them about. But we get that you want to see what you paid for - so a report for every order upon request is no problem, just don't share it your new backlinks around with everyone.


We're the only PBN provider that can service ANY of your websites with a NICHE-specific blog link pack - with 0 risk of ever having it penalized for buying links from a "nasty evil PBN that Google hates so much". NOONE ELSE OFFERS THAT. All other PBNs either build a generic, semi-automated network of blogs over a few months in a specific niche to offer you NICHE backlinks - or just acquire random websites in all kinds of niches and package that together as the "newest PBN around". As you saw below and above this thread in the BST forum.

RankNest is such a powerful network that it brings us to the OTHER REASON no PBN providers can compete with us.

We use our own network to rank our own money sites. And have been for years.

How many PBN providers can testify they use the services they peddle on their very own money sites? ... Because we can :)

Before we began to sell niche packs on our PBN 2 years ago, we were still using them back then, just to self rank. But you try managing 30 money websites and a PBN of 1000s of websites, it's a much bigger hassle than the dream it sounds like - and a lot of the inventory would just go to waste if we didn't offer it to you.

TAT on all orders is 10 days. But we'll be doing our best to knock out orders in 48-72 hours - just depends how the queue stacks up.

Basically, what we're saying is - if you're using other PBN networks right now, and not using RankNest, you're doing SEO wrong.

You can place your order here.

Read the FAQs below as well - they'll answer any questions you may have. If they don't - drop me a PM, or just post here and I'll clarify your questions.

Here are some testimonials from the years of happy customers:


And here are some FAQs:

1. Are you posting unique articles? Do I need to give you articles?
No. We do not post new articles like many PBN services offer. We edit aged entries ALREADY relevant to your niche - passing along a lot more linkjuice than some new non-indexed article.

2. How long are the articles? Do they have images?
Articles vary in word count and image content - since these are essentially real blogs. Real blogs don't have word minimums or picture requirements - which is why our DA/PA/TF/whatever metric you like is SO HIGH for all the blogs in RankNest. We will, however, make sure to choose good posts for your order - no weird 70 word articles with a youtube video or anything like that. Since we manually edit vs. others automating their process - we can guarantee you that :)

3. Can I provide my own content?
No. We don't post articles, we edit articles niche-relevant to your site order - passing on a lot more value in the end. We don't clearcut a forest and then plant a new one - we just harvest a couple of branches per tree every time. It has kept the PBN ecosystem stable for years - and has proven to give customers the best results.

4. What stops your sites from being de-indexed like any other PBN could be?
Tried and tested methods we've built over past 5 years. Others build PBNs with the intention of them being PBNs, leaving footprints. We build and acquire real blogs, each one unique and made for the reason of BLOGGING, not selling some links. That's what Google wants, that's what we give them, that's what keeps our PBN bulletproof.

5. Do I get a report?
We can provide you one upon request. Default, we do not provide a report to protect you from yourself. You will get excited about finding a new long-term PBN source, and you will want to brag to your friends about it. Who may be in your niche, or jealous and having a bad day, and ruin those blogs. Destroying not only you order, any other people who may have had a link on those particular blogs. So... we'd rather you didn't destroy your own hard work via jealous friends, and prefer to keep reports to a minimum.

6. Why are you exclusive on WF now?
Because we've been building a whole new horde of inventory for you - and decided to centralize ourselves in one place. Some people know about some forums, but everyone knows about WickedFire - so we figured this is the place to settle down.

Placed an order couple of days ago, should I have expected some sort of communication from you guys?
trying a tasty small package

Thank you - we're selecting blogs and posts on those blogs for you now :)

Placed an order couple of days ago, should I have expected some sort of communication from you guys?

Thanks for your order james - we really don't do a "WE HAVE RECEIVED YOUR CASH AND YOUR ORDER" confirmation email of any sort - but you're probably right, we should just so people are aware their orders didn't get lost in the mix. You are in queue [your links are being edited in today] - so they'll be done well before the TAT :)

You'll always get a "we finished your links" notification - and a report if you specifically requested one to check out inventory but not blab it to jealous friends :p
Not active at WFF, but just wanted to drop a review about John's service

I have bought his links for more than $1.5k (in total)for some of my sites and every one of them is/was in the first page of google. Top notch links !
Not active at WFF, but just wanted to drop a review about John's service

I have bought his links for more than $1.5k (in total)for some of my sites and every one of them is/was in the first page of google. Top notch links !

Thanks for making the effort of dropping in to post a review, man :)

I'm working on adding a new 300-400 blog PBN that will be only for adult/casino/pharma. The first PBN that doesn't accept your dirty gardening, diet and local blacksmith in berkshire websites anymore. Only adult/casino/pharma/other niches not accepted by most providers.

Working on the solution to this injustice. #AllNicheLivesMatter
Hey John! I am just about to try out your links for my clients.

I have a quick Q : Do I give you URL and keywords I want to rank for and you choose the anchor text ?

Or do I provide anchors that I want for every link out of the 10 links ?

Hey John! I am just about to try out your links for my clients.

I have a quick Q : Do I give you URL and keywords I want to rank for and you choose the anchor text ?

Or do I provide anchors that I want for every link out of the 10 links ?


Heyo - you can choose all your anchors.

RankNest Order Form said:
1 DOMAIN PER ORDER. Input your URLs and Keywords (up to 3 URL's and 5 KW's)
Order placed


Just placed 2 orders for 2 of my clients! Hopefully will get some decent results so that I can outsource part of my link building to you guys for ALL of my clients and projects :2gunsfiring_v1:

Could you please drip them and send me a link report at the end?

Last edited:
I haven't gotten a report yet but I did manage to see one of the sites because the person who placed it must have inadvertently clicked through to my site so it came up in my analytics.

My face when I saw the post and checked out the site:

Any chance to change the anchors a bit for 1 of the sites ? There is a new update from Google regarding anchor text that just came trough after allot of testing.

Thanks buddy
Any chance to change the anchors a bit for 1 of the sites ? There is a new update from Google regarding anchor text that just came trough after allot of testing.

Thanks buddy


Can do - could you plz send me a PM or hit me on Skype though, hard to keep track of single edits on the salesthread :p

Glad everyone is enjoying the product :)
The porn/pharma/casino ONLY PBN I mentioned last week is almost ready - been busy working on it.

It seems we missed out on the whole BLACK FRIDAY craze last week to give you guys some deals - but we felt that was okay because it's not right to make ONE day matter more than the others. We are for EVERY DAY EQUALITY - ALL DAYS MATTER.

Therefore - for the next 7 days, use this order form to get a small discount on your link orders :)

The offer will only last for 7 days, we just want to do our part to promote the equality of all days of the week.


Can do - could you plz send me a PM or hit me on Skype though, hard to keep track of single edits on the salesthread :p

Glad everyone is enjoying the product :)
The porn/pharma/casino ONLY PBN I mentioned last week is almost ready - been busy working on it.

It seems we missed out on the whole BLACK FRIDAY craze last week to give you guys some deals - but we felt that was okay because it's not right to make ONE day matter more than the others. We are for EVERY DAY EQUALITY - ALL DAYS MATTER.

Therefore - for the next 7 days, use this order form to get a small discount on your link orders :)

The offer will only last for 7 days, we just want to do our part to promote the equality of all days of the week.

Will do mate, thanks
Wow - thanks for orders guys, but slow down, there's 6 more days of discount. Otherwise we're showing that Wednesday is more important than other days of the week - which just isn't true.
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