Rand Paul Backs Romney

Those people don't know jack shit about Rand Paul. Rand is actually much closer to Mitt's idealism and that's why he's come out to support him.

Rand doesn't hold all the views of his father.

I have a couple friends who work at Capitol Hill (unfortunately) representing Barbara Mikulski. What I have consistently heard from them is that both Democrats and Republicans dislike Rand Paul and largely because of his idealism (ie. unwillingness to compromise) and strong libertarian ideology.

That does not excuse something like backing Mitt Romney, but I do not think it is that big of a deal. If Rand Paul's worse sin is backing a non-libertarian candidate in an election where a libertarian cannot win, I can deal with that.

That sounds right. But frankly, I'm less in tune with the political game these days. I used to follow it closely and love it for theater, but have since chosen to spend more time on psychology, political philosophy, etc. (There is so much to learn, so much to do, and so little time to waste, which is the reason I ignore 99% of the knuckleheads on this forum. ;) )
Basically this.

Although I do waste some time.
Those people don't know jack shit about Rand Paul. Rand is actually much closer to Mitt's idealism and that's why he's come out to support him.

Rand doesn't hold all the views of his father.

So you are saying that US Senators and Congressmen do not know jack shit about Rand Paul?