Rand Paul Backs Romney

This sucks, but it isn't surprising to me at all. If you watch the debates, Ron Paul never criticized Romney, only Santorum. So some kind of "Plan B" has been in the works for awhile. But like Alex Jones said, I just don't understand how they think teaming up with a guy like Romney will work in the long run.
A lot of folks assume Rand Paul is a mirror image of his father. It is a risky assumption because Rand lacks a track record.

If I remember correctly, Paul Sr. decided to get involved in the congress after attending a conference at which Ludwig von Mises had spoken. He had already become familiar with the latter's political philosophy, and was moved by it deeply enough to change things on a political level.

Is anyone familiar with Paul Jr.'s history? Does anyone know anything about the principles on which his political philosophy is founded? I don't. Yes, he's for "limited government," but isn't everyone these days? lol

The point is, we don't know much about Rand, other than the fact he's Ron's kid. And that's not much to go on. I mentioned here:

If you're a Ron Paul fan, I get it. Paul has a long track record. You know what to expect. But Trump? No. Even Rand Paul lacks a track record, and should regarded warily.

This is still true. It will continue to be true for years.

Watching the libertarian, Tea Party, and conservative parties place so much faith in him so quickly reminds me of women describing new men they meet: "that man is so nice."

Really? How do you know? lol
ron and rand are part of a team working on a long term political strategy. to think ron was not aware of this or not involved is just delusion.

the paulbots are just minions to be used when needed and thrown away when not. it might be a wake up call for some, but most are so lost in some alternate reality fantasy world, probably not.
A lot of folks assume Rand Paul is a mirror image of his father. It is a risky assumption because Rand lacks a track record.

If I remember correctly, Paul Sr. decided to get involved in the congress after attending a conference at which Ludwig von Mises had spoken. He had already become familiar with the latter's political philosophy, and was moved by it deeply enough to change things on a political level.

Is anyone familiar with Paul Jr.'s history? Does anyone know anything about the principles on which his political philosophy is founded? I don't. Yes, he's for "limited government," but isn't everyone these days? lol

The point is, we don't know much about Rand, other than the fact he's Ron's kid. And that's not much to go on. I mentioned here:

This is still true. It will continue to be true for years.

Watching the libertarian, Tea Party, and conservative parties place so much faith in him so quickly reminds me of women describing new men they meet: "that man is so nice."

Really? How do you know? lol

He's always been a lot more reserved with his statements, instead bring all the troops home, he said we need to reassess the situation, etc. Overall though, this was pretty bold move, but I think a dumb one as he just lost a lot of credibility, which includes the power to quickly raise a lot of money or name drop for a new candidate and get them elected. He had the chance to pick up the torch from his Dad and run with it, but instead decided to become a politician.

As much as a lot of us love Sr. Paul, I think if he comes out and backs Romney after the convention it will destroy the momentum liberty movement. Here's to hoping that doesn't happen.
He's always been a lot more reserved with his statements, instead bring all the troops home, he said we need to reassess the situation, etc. Overall though, this was pretty bold move, but I think a dumb one as he just lost a lot of credibility, which includes the power to quickly raise a lot of money or name drop for a new candidate and get them elected. He had the chance to pick up the torch from his Dad and run with it, but instead decided to become a politician.

As much as a lot of us love Sr. Paul, I think if he comes out and backs Romney after the convention it will destroy the momentum liberty movement. Here's to hoping that doesn't happen.

That sounds right. But frankly, I'm less in tune with the political game these days. I used to follow it closely and love it for theater, but have since chosen to spend more time on psychology, political philosophy, etc. (There is so much to learn, so much to do, and so little time to waste, which is the reason I ignore 99% of the knuckleheads on this forum. ;) )

If Paul Sr. backs Romney, it wouldn't be more than a curiosity to me. However, if he suddenly abandoned the idea of private money, that would sure get my attention.

Regarding Paul Jr., I look forward to learning more about his philosophy. He may change over time. After all, it wasn't so long ago that Paul Sr. was a proponent of capital punishment, a position he has since abandoned.
If RP comes out in support of Romney... it will be a killer blow. Not sure how it would affect the movement. My idealism wants to believe that the idea is strong enough to continue... just as the saying goes. But I have my doubts... sometimes bad does win.

That said... AJ said EXACTLY what the fuck needed to be said. Thank god there's somebody with a huge audience like AJ has, with the balls to come out and say it straight up. I don't always agree with him... but he nailed it this time.
If Paul Sr. backs Romney, it wouldn't be more than a curiosity to me. However, if he suddenly abandoned the idea of private money, that would sure get my attention.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you have a better grasp of the big picture than even a large chunk of the liberty movement guys.

That said, sound currency is the core of what RP believes will make this country well again, if he abandons that then I can only assume 'they' have a gun to his or his family's head.

That said... AJ said EXACTLY what the fuck needed to be said. Thank god there's somebody with a huge audience like AJ has, with the balls to come out and say it straight up. I don't always agree with him... but he nailed it this time.

I take anything AJ says with a grain of salt, but I agree he was right and put my thoughts into words.
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A lot of folks assume Rand Paul is a mirror image of his father. It is a risky assumption because Rand lacks a track record.

Well much of his track record so far in congress had been in line with his father. Rand was one of only 3 or so republican senators that voted against renewing the Patriot Act, for example.
Well much of his track record so far in congress had been in line with his father. Rand was one of only 3 or so republican senators that voted against renewing the Patriot Act, for example.

He's done some good things while he's been in the senate, but the question remains- can he maintain his integrity while playing politician. I say no because they are going to start asking him to vote for things he doesn't agree with and he'll feel pressured to do so because of alliances that he tries to form.
Wait wait wait wait wait a minute here...

You mean to tell me that this thread yesterday wasn't a good enough "Rand Backs R$" thread for you knuckleheads?

Oh well. I guess there can be more than one with news of this magnitude.

My take on it:

Rand doesn't have the pure liberty-loving gene his father does... 90% of Rands' backers are now his enemy; his career is done. End of story.

Thanksgiving dinner is going to be mighty awkward in the Paul household this year... :(

As much as a lot of us love Sr. Paul, I think if he comes out and backs Romney after the convention it will destroy the momentum liberty movement. Here's to hoping that doesn't happen.
Lulz... It could never happen in any universe dude... Haven't you been following Paul's Career? You don't vote against what's popular for 30+ years and suddenly join team fake n' popular as the very last act of your entire career! What a way to be remembered!

I honestly believe Ron would rather win and be assassinated, becoming the first great American Martyr.

That said... AJ said EXACTLY what the fuck needed to be said. Thank god there's somebody with a huge audience like AJ has, with the balls to come out and say it straight up. I don't always agree with him... but he nailed it this time.
AJ's little speech there was risky... Possibly very dumb.

To come out and force Ron's hand like that, AJ's taking away the ability for the Paul campaign to use all this negative press as a tool for winning the next couple of days in Texas, Il, SD, and AK.

What if this was all staged to get the Paul Delegates a bunch of slack to take over the entire rest of the states with conventions? That includes shitloads of delegates, no small prize!

From what I'm hearing we just got about half the delegation in Arkansas today, and Texas is going to be a MAJORITY. -Still searching for that proof though before I write it down... But the fact that we immediately grabbed 3 committee chair slots there the first day is very good news.

Oh yeah, someone there commented that they have also "passed a vote that would unbind all of the delegates in Texas...it was unbelievable." -You can't do a thing like that with a simple majority... It sounds like we actually have a 2/3rds majority in Texas and therefore we won't be letting many R$ delegates get elected at all! -Still to early yet to be sure.

(To those who don't know the importance of this news: Texas is the second largest cache of Delegates in the nation, next to TX which we expect to do just as well in. Winning in TX is no small task, yet in the 2008 election Paul only got a half dozen or so delegates from TX, his home state. This time it is possible that he could get the vast majority of the 155 Delegates here going to Tampa, which is more delegates than the media even admits Paul has to this day!)
Lulz... It could never happen in any universe dude... Haven't you been following Paul's Career? You don't vote against what's popular for 30+ years and suddenly join team fake n' popular as the very last act of your entire career! What a way to be remembered!

I honestly believe Ron would rather win and be assassinated, becoming the first great American Martyr.

I think you're right and I trust RP (of course) more than his son, but the Rand thing was just a very weird political play. I don't understand it and so my mind is in WTF and what if mode. I'm anxiously awaiting the convention, I want to see what happens because I think it's going to be very interesting to say the least.

BTW it looks like he's kicking as in Arkansas today ass well as TX. Would be nice if he pulled a win in a at least a couple more states.
I have expected this for awhile. He is mainstreaming the movement, and doing what he needs to buy support from the people to stupid to vote for anything but partisan reasons.
I have a couple friends who work at Capitol Hill (unfortunately) representing Barbara Mikulski. What I have consistently heard from them is that both Democrats and Republicans dislike Rand Paul and largely because of his idealism (ie. unwillingness to compromise) and strong libertarian ideology.

That does not excuse something like backing Mitt Romney, but I do not think it is that big of a deal. If Rand Paul's worse sin is backing a non-libertarian candidate in an election where a libertarian cannot win, I can deal with that.
He is mainstreaming the movement, and doing what he needs to buy support from the people to stupid to vote for anything but partisan reasons.
How can one "Mainstream" the movement that they just ejected themselves from permanently?

I do not think it is that big of a deal. If Rand Paul's worse sin is backing a non-libertarian candidate in an election where a libertarian cannot win, I can deal with that.
Sure, I can deal with it to, there are lots of scumbags in the world who will be getting the exact same amount of campaign contributions from me as Rand now will.