Oh, we're talking war now, eh?
I was never a real soldier, so I can't comment on "the shit", although my office was really cold in the winter mornings. I had aircon for the summer, though. And a cleaning maid to wake me...
Whether or not the American soldiers are doing a heroic job is not the question. Of course they are. Chain of command dislocates any responsibility from the people doing the killing and the ones ordering it. That is how you can take kids and turn them into killing machines.
I was in Paris the last time the US invaded Iraq. Had a good time, really. Do any of you other Europeans on this board remember how the US put together the Coalition? It was not exactly voluntary. The French wanted none of it, and then you guys started calling french fries "freedom fries"... And how did you get around the French veto in the Security Council? Oh, I remember, you didn't.