Quit smoking more than 3 months ago, still have cravings

a friend of mine quit after 10 years, and has no cravings. i think its only mental issue, you just need to fully accept that smoking is no good, and your mind will stop tricking you into thinking that you want it :)

ecigs, reducing nicotine levels to zero FTW

I smoked for 20 odd years and gave up quickly, painlessly and easily using ecigs and now don't smoke them and haven't smoked a cigarette in over 3 years, with no cravings.

I can give you a link if you like ;)
It depends on how you gave up. I've given up many times and always came back. The last ime I used Allen Carr's book and it helped me realise and teach myself that I'm not "giving up" anything. The trouble with thinking that way is seeing that you're depriving yourself of something. You have to realise what the act of smoking is (and what it will deprive you of) and then see that not smoking is providing you with things that smoking deprives you of.

I recommend you read that book. You need to realise, as I finally did, that when you're "giving it up" and waiting for the moment of no longer being addicted it doesn't arrive. When you stand against them and look at them and the addiction for what they are, the craving to have a fag just disappears.

I look back now (1 year or so off the fags) and actually can't recall when I stopped missing them and when I realised I was free from them. I just know that now, even when drunk, I'm actually opposed to, even angered by, the idea of having a fag. Shift them paradigms and don't give in.

Look, nicotine is out of your system, you no longer have a physical addiction. If you have one here or one there, suddenly you slide down that slope into a full blown smoker again, which sucks sooo much. Few smokers, if asked would they have started smoking if they knew what they know now, would start. So why start again? There's no positives. (Also, try to avoid replacement, because you're masking over the issues. Tackle it head on and tell your mind to fuck off.)
Sounds stupid, but go see a hypnotist. My old man went to see one 8 years ago. Hasn't had one since without even really wanting one.

Me on the other hand. I'm weak and need the thought of death an an early age. :)
It depends on how you gave up. I've given up many times and always came back. The last ime I used Allen Carr's book and it helped me realise and teach myself that I'm not "giving up" anything. The trouble with thinking that way is seeing that you're depriving yourself of something. You have to realise what the act of smoking is (and what it will deprive you of) and then see that not smoking is providing you with things that smoking deprives you of.

I recommend you read that book. You need to realise, as I finally did, that when you're "giving it up" and waiting for the moment of no longer being addicted it doesn't arrive. When you stand against them and look at them and the addiction for what they are, the craving to have a fag just disappears.

I look back now (1 year or so off the fags) and actually can't recall when I stopped missing them and when I realised I was free from them. I just know that now, even when drunk, I'm actually opposed to, even angered by, the idea of having a fag. Shift them paradigms and don't give in.

Look, nicotine is out of your system, you no longer have a physical addiction. If you have one here or one there, suddenly you slide down that slope into a full blown smoker again, which sucks sooo much. Few smokers, if asked would they have started smoking if they knew what they know now, would start. So why start again? There's no positives. (Also, try to avoid replacement, because you're masking over the issues. Tackle it head on and tell your mind to fuck off.)

This^. God has spoken.

Anyways, stay strong, and to avoid cravings, try to always stay chewing on anything sweet/salty and crunchy/chewy.
You can do it man, I think the hardest part is that people who don't smoke just don't get how strong the cravings are... A friend once told me that cigarettes are more addicting that Heroin, no junkie shoots up 20 times a day.
I'm in the same boat, 1.5 months in. I chew my Fruit Chill Nicorettes with my morning and afternoon coffee. Takes the edge off but sometimes I get ridiculous cravings. I'm quite optimistic that this time I'll stick to it, but then I hear things like this and lose all hope...

My grandfather still felt regular cravings after 40 years off cigarettes...

They only got less and less frequent but never went completely away.
Fuck man don't go to the store - just think how bad you will feel if you have a smoke after being off the fags for 3 months. 3 Months is a long time to go without smoking, you should feel proud of that and that should spur you on to stay off them. Smoking now will just ruin all your good work.

Its a slippery slope and your mind is just trying to trick you into having that 1 cigarette, once you give in to this you'll soon start back on that slippery slope and before you know it you'll be back to smoking as much as you did before you decided to give them up.
After 3 months your lungs are just starting to heal. Just a few will stop all that - keep it up. And I second e-cigs if you just can't help yourself. Just get the no nicotine versions.
I've never smoked, but I get the craving to buy a can of dip every time I drive by a 7-11 or stop to get gas. I quit for almost a year and fell off the wagon several months ago. I've been off it again for about 3 weeks, and I'm through the nicotine withdrawal phase (which is a week of hell), but I still get cravings about once a day.

Keep at it Ar Scion. You've gone this long, just keep that shit up and stay away from the liquor stores and quickie marts. They're the DEVIL!
As mentioned above a few times, maybe buying yourself an ecig would be helpful. You can get the eliquid for it with 0 nicotine - just the feeling of inhaling the vapor may help.

And don't forget weed. THC - To Hell w/ Cigs
I knew a guy who quit smoking, and he started carrying a toothpick around everywhere just so he could have something to put in his mouth. The muscle memory involved in habitual smoking is nearly as bad as the chemical addiction.

I personally quit by switching to chewing tobacco. It tasted like shit, so I eventually was able to break that habit easier than the cigarettes. Not sure if that approach would work better for anyone.
this thread makes me feel awesome about life.
all of you talking about having quit once, ten years ago... i started smoking 5 years ago, and already i've quit smoking tons of times!
not recently, though. *cough, cough, hacking cough*

this means i am winner, right?
I quit smoking two years ago, and the cravings never stopped. Oddly enough, I quit as I was going through a divorce and didn't backslide. About a month ago, I had a particularly brutal urge after over two years and just said, "fuck it." The rationale, "I'll just have one," never works...
With eCigs the trick is to start with full nicotine and work your way down to zero over a period of months. Don't go from cigarettes to zero as it wont work.
With eCigs the trick is to start with full nicotine and work your way down to zero over a period of months. Don't go from cigarettes to zero as it wont work.

This strategy is great for people just starting to drop smoking, but if he's already been off cigs for 3 months there is absolutely no reason to go back onto nicotine.