Quit smoking more than 3 months ago, still have cravings

Ar Scion

New member
Oct 27, 2009
What the fuck.

I used to be fine for weeks at a time. Now it's like at least once every 2-3 days I'm craving this shit. Been debating a trip to the store for at least 45 minutes now.

I know there's like neurological changes, neuron pathways that get readjusted and shit, but 3 months should be long enough.

I wanna get work done, Jesus.

My grandfather still felt regular cravings after 40 years off cigarettes...

They only got less and less frequent but never went completely away.
^ This.... I still get a craving every once in a while and its been about 8 years since I smoked. Its especially bad when I'm drinking.
Find a substitute like munching on some carrot sticks or chewing on a pen, or whatever else you can do. Don't sit there considering going to the store...that's torturous.

It's been about a year and a half for me, and I still get cravings...sometimes pretty strong.
What the fuck.

I used to be fine for weeks at a time. Now it's like at least once every 2-3 days I'm craving this shit. Been debating a trip to the store for at least 45 minutes now.

I know there's like neurological changes, neuron pathways that get readjusted and shit, but 3 months should be long enough.

I wanna get work done, Jesus.
I chewed 1-2 packs of 5 gum daily to beat the craving. Now I lowered it to 4 packs of gum/week. You can replace teeth but you can't replace your lungs. Stay strong dude like the other people are saying, you can fucking do it
Find a substitute like munching on some carrot sticks or chewing on a pen, or whatever else you can do. Don't sit there considering going to the store...that's torturous.

It's been about a year and a half for me, and I still get cravings...sometimes pretty strong.
I don't get cravings anymore. Only when I'm drinking because the buzz will never be the same without those cigarettes so I drink till I drop LOLZ
I take super deep breaths and think about how clean the air is that I'm breathing and how good I feel now compared to when I smoked. By the time I would exhale the craving would be gone. I quit 18 months ago but haven't had cravings for the past year.
Stopping smoking is one of my greatest accomplishments. I am incredibly proud of it. It wasn't easy. But it was one of the best decisions I have made.
i smoked for seven years and quit just over a year ago now (ty ecigs for the assistance.) when people smoke indoors around me now i find it absolutely disgusting and it reinforces my excellent decision to quit.

at the same time, i know how it is, don't give in! mind over matter yo.
chew gum like .hack mentioned. I quit 15 years ago, don't have anymore cravings at all and haven't for a long time. can't stand the smell anymore.

I used to chew gum every waking hour for the first couple of years. Now just 1-2 times a day. Hang in there, it will eventually get easier.
I've been smoking since I was 7 and "quit" several times for periods of a year or more. Last time I quit about 3 years ago for about a year. Then slowly started to smoke again. No matter how long I don't smoke, cravings never go away.

3 days ago I got wisdom tooth pulled, and decided to quit again while I had another reason. Didn't smoke for 2 days and now thinking about going and getting some clove smokes. I hate them and now I am thinking whenever I'll get cravings, I'll make 2-3 hits and throw it away. :(

Also, since I stopped smoking 3 days ago, coffee consumption went way up. From a standard 0-1 cup a day to 4-5... :-/ Just get this feeling that I got to do something every time I feel like smoking...
Also, since I stopped smoking 3 days ago, coffee consumption went way up. From a standard 0-1 cup a day to 4-5... :-/ Just get this feeling that I got to do something every time I feel like smoking...

I quit drinking coffee when I quit smoking. It just made me want to smoke because they went so well together.

Once I got past the worst of the withdrawal of smoking, I was able to start drinking coffee again.