question about selling links

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New member
Jul 19, 2006
Hello there.

I don't know thing one about selling links. How much traffic does someone need to have coming in before it makes sense for them to start selling links on their site? How old/consistant should the site/traffic be before I start whoring myself off to the highest bidder? Should I come in at a set price, or let folks make offers? Anything else you can throw my way about this in addition to answering these questions would be, as always, greatly appreciated.

Links typically are not bought by traffic but for search engine rankings. Most link buyers are going to look at your Google PageRanks and possibly site age.
Andrew said:
Links typically are not bought by traffic but for search engine rankings. Most link buyers are going to look at your Google PageRanks and possibly site age.

I only buy links for traffic these days.
I think as a rule people check both - traffic and PR. text-link-ads is a good place to start, but also check other places, for instance,
PR really doesnt wiegh as much as it used to. WIth so many ways to cheat the system. I can easily get a fake PR of 7 at least in two days. You run the risk of getting banned but what the hell (sarcasm). I think true investigation of traffic is a better selling point to experienced people.

Dont get me wrong PR is still important to JOE smoe buyers but most experienced people look beyond. I think the SEO/traffic debate really depends on both sites and what your aim is. I think you definately can get both out of links, but your wiegh in those gains might be different depending on your plans with the website.
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