Question About Corporate SEO Salary


Milkshake Drinker
Aug 6, 2010
Any of you have experience with SEO/E-Commerce MGMT at a large corporation? I've got a job offer, and I need to ask a few questions.

Please PM me if so. I'd love to pick your brain.


I have a friend who makes 49k/yr being the only SEO guy at a local IT company.

I think you can just make more as a freelancer honestly.

corporate seo job -> steady flow of leads / clients / jobs
freelance seo -> hustle mode always enabled
Funny that you mention this. I used to do this for an automotive consulting company...

I did microsites, SEO (consulting really), graphic design, email templates, banners, presentations, ect. (all this plus plenty of common fucking sense consulting)

I found out today that a set of email templates that I used to do in about an 3 hours cost roughly $1600. I found out that a microsite that I could do in a few hours cost about $1800.

I used to get paid $2500 a month for all this working about 10 hours a day. Not only that, I was their ONLY seo, graphic, social media, ect. guy.

From my experiences, corps can fuck off when it comes to this shit.
Thing about this place is, they've never had an SEO team or anything. It's brand new to the company.

...and they make crazy money.
never understood why an seo would get into a 9-5 job.

If you work hard you can make money money from affiliate gigs than you would in a 9-5 job.

I'm making around 45K from my seo'd sites which isn't a lot. But goddamn, I get to run my own shit, and have a lot more freedom and independance.

I actually started of doing the 30 day challenge, and then got an SEO job, I thought I'd learn so much advanced stuff and have access to knowledge and shit.. It turned out the people who do seo 9-5 are clueless. They thought I was a genius, but my knowledge was so basic.

I hated the lack of freedom having to be at the office at a fixed time and leave at a ficed time, and In wasn't doing anything different for a company that I would be doing for myself.. Except for the extra work. A lot of the time I spent creating reports to people, doing free teaser consultations which most of the time did not convert into a paid contract, so you're working for free.. Plus the biggest bitch was having to deal with clients who want to know why they're not #1 for "windows laptops" after 2 months.
never understood why an seo would get into a 9-5 job.
Different strokes for different folks. I agree with you, I would never want an office job again but for some people the money and security are worth it.
Also the other biggest bitch was the fact that I worked for a media agency that did web design, seo, print publishing and graphic design.. seo was the lowest rung in the ladder.. at least print design and graphic design had hot chicks and were a little bit more hip. SEO never got due credit, all our compuiters were handmedowns for graphic design.

Nobody understood what we do, some thought we just surfed the net all day.

it's just the assumed negative value that really got to me.. nobody understood that my seo was the lifeblood of the clients business. that it was getting 80% of their business.
Why work a corporate job when you can do SEO from home, earn twice as much, and be your own boss?
Plus the biggest bitch was having to deal with clients who want to know why they're not #1 for "windows laptops" after 2 months.

I had a similar moment recently. The company owner (or majority shareholder) actually asked me to "call Google" because the site wasn't on the first page. Lol...
Unless it's for six fig along with a list of things "I will NOT do - my duties do NOT and will NOT include" I wouldn't. And outline what your job entails because sooner or later you'll be turned into a media whore Mr.Everything drone that gets raped for intel for a nominal compensation. Also try to build in incentive for yourself.

Also ask yourself "How much do I 'really' make in my day/week?" and "In that time, am I REALLY working for 8hrs a day or am I fucking around for 5hrs and am rarely inspired to truly hustle because I don't really have to..?".

If you actually hustled for yourself 8hrs a day the way the corp will hustle you, do you think you'd make more money?

Some things I would be asking myself. The offer should be a no brainer if you take it - too much room for gray/negotiations and they know they have you by the balls.

If they make boatloads, they won't give a fuck what you charge - go for gold bro - and be willing to let your guard down later re turning into an incentivized media whore doing more than your duties to make the corp and yourself more money, but not right away and not for less than your talent is worth.
If SEO is brand new to the corporation why not offer your services on a contract basis? You can set your own fees rather than being at their mercy to raise your salary & you can get the work done on your time frame. Being a 9-5 guy I could see you twiddling your thumbs a lot on the job. Being a contractor you've got more control. If they're smart & see the value of your services they'll continue to pay you but if they don't respect the impact a good SEO campaign can have on the bottom line, you're still open to other options.
I found out today that a set of email templates that I used to do in about an 3 hours cost roughly $1600. I found out that a microsite that I could do in a few hours cost about $1800.
Some corporate 'articles' and 'email templates' get made by people who can essentially fill in their own salary. blank cheque. some niches are just SO specific you have no other choice but to pay that one single person among xxM population us$10k just to write. i know from experience.
never understood why an seo would get into a 9-5 job.
neither do i understand an executive plotting this.
let the guy roam around and fill his days. more productivity _more creativity_ and added value is sky-high. it's like denying a network tech job application because he's a convicted hacker - what the fuck are you [executive] thinking? id be ashamed if my techs COULDNT 
it's like denying a network tech job application because he's a convicted hacker
I know 3 companies, including some I worked at(one of them M$) that did just that. I recommended the people in question. Their qualifications were outstanding.
Point being Corp Job = Brain Dead Soul Sucking. Sure I have one now, but that's because it's a small company and they pay 6 figs and I know the CEO and I love my job. But do the same thing at a larger company? Your life would be in tatters. Experience talking here.
So here's the deal. I work a 9-5 as an in-house SEO/internet marketing guy. I am the only one on my team (currently) who "gets" SEO/IM.

To answer your question about salary, it really depends on the company and where you live. Obviously, if you live in a major metro, the salary is going to be a lot different than if you live in some small town. I strongly recommend looking at to find out what the average salary is for similar positions in your area. If you are just starting out in the corporate world, they will try to low ball you. If you can make it look on your resume that you have years of experience, obviously you will demand a higher salary.

The benefits of the corporate gig are:

1) Guaranteed salary and benefits. This is huge for me, my job has amazing benefits (insurance and 401k). I have a nice chunk of retirement money saved up and I'm still relatively young. The guaranteed check every 2 weeks is also nice. I know what I'm going to make.

2) Potential for career growth. SEO is great and all, but there is so much more potential for learning marketing. I've learned a lot in regards to media buying (both online and offline), direct response, print, etc. I am a much more well-rounded marketer than when I started.

3) Don't have to hustle (at least not as hard as affiliate/freelancing). You pretty much work at your own pace. Granted, you can get bosses who are assholes, but for the most part, I fuck around on the web for the better part of the week, and even do some client work/work on my own sites while at work.

4) Work on some cool shit. I am transitioning my career to an ad agency which has some major clients. Clients I never would be able to land while freelancing. These guys are designing amazing sites, mobile apps, etc for huge brands. It is pretty amazing to work on such a large project with a team that knows their shit. And to be able to tell your friends/people you meet 'Yeah, I made that shit'

5) Building a resume. You might start out small, but you will work your way up over time.

Now for the cons.

1) You will work with assholes. Obviously they won't come out and say it in the interview, but every work environment will have a couple of people that you won't get along with. They either won't understand SEO and will try to tell you what to do, they will be generally incompetent, or they might just be a flat out shithead. This is probably the worst part about working a corporate gig. You can't really control who you work with. The best advice I can give is talk to as many people who work there as possible to try and get a feel for the corporate culture.

2) Lack of freedom. This really depends where you work. Have a great idea for one of the company sites? Great! Now you just have to run it past your boss, and he runs it past his boss, who may or may not understand WTF is going on. You may have the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want, when in other cases you have to go through a process of approvals, of which one of those people higher up is likely to steal your idea and take credit for it at some point. Again, get an idea of the corporate culture and how much freedom your job would allow during interviews.

3) You spend a good amount of your life inside a fucking office. This sucks. Nice day out? Too fucking bad. You're stuck in your cubicle. Commuting can also suck depending on how far away you are from work and traffic.

Anyway, there's probably a lot more that I missed. But I hope I could clear some things up for you. If you do decide to go the corporate route, just make sure that the company is a good fit for you, personality wise and skill wise.
I get $100k a year from my 9-5 SEO job + private client jobs. To be honest, I shouldn't have given up my lifestyle for a $100k a year job but I wanted to move and the company paid for it all so I said fuck it, moved from FL to Denver.

So no more going to sleep at 1pm and waking up at 10pm?