Quality content writers first time on WF

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Sent you pm with my paypal info.

Also want to announce my offer that we are able to provide around 1000 articles in 20 to 25 day time period. ( With discount )

So, please who have any bulk work then please let me know, can able to give discounts.

I want to try your service, want 5 articles for now.

Please PM me your price details.


Got 5 articles in just less then 16 hours. Just checked all articles.

Here is my REVIEW:

1) All articles copyscape pass ( 5 our of 5 )

2) All articles well researched ( My niche was not so easy but he had done good job ) ( 4 Out of 5 )

3) Rate: I got quality content at cheaper rate ( My believe ) ( 5 out of 5 )

Highly recommended.

Will place bulk order in few days.

Got the order, work started already. Will deliver soon.
Bulk order made.

Thanks mate. Will wait for your next order.

Got 5 articles in just less then 16 hours. Just checked all articles.

Here is my REVIEW:

1) All articles copyscape pass ( 5 our of 5 )

2) All articles well researched ( My niche was not so easy but he had done good job ) ( 4 Out of 5 )

3) Rate: I got quality content at cheaper rate ( My believe ) ( 5 out of 5 )

Highly recommended.

Will place bulk order in few days.

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