Promoting affiliate programs offline. what do you think about my plan?

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Jul 30, 2006
Houston, TX
I was thinking to place an ad on local newspaper for payday loans and say something like get up to $10,000, fast approval and crap like that. when they come in, have them to apply for the loan through my affiliate links. of course there is a computer for them and somebody will assist them. If I get 8 people to apply through 5 different payday loan I'm affiliated with, and let's say they pay me $22 per lead, that's $880 a day. to bring in more people I can guarantee approval or pay them $25 Cash right away (if i do this, i'm sure I'm going to get way more than 8 applicant)
now, if you going to do this and you like my idea, be a man (or woman) and give me a percentage of whatever you made.

what do you think? :rasta:

just look at the amount of money you can make. you got to do a lot more if you are planning to make this much money online. yeah, you can setup an arbi site to make lets say 8 bucks or 100 of them to make $800. how long does it take you to make 100 nich sites? plus you got to bust your ass to manage the bids. there are other things that you can do as well like home loan, car loans, debt consolidation, school loan and school loan consolidation. and alot more. there are lot more you can do. all at the same store. all you need is a computer and an internet connection. so you don't really need much money to start. your only overhead is the rent.
I think it could work. Are you saying when you get a lead for a loan. You give you customer the loan money and then you take out multiple loans under your clients name?
just look at the amount of money you can make. you got to do a lot more if you are planning to make this much money online. yeah, you can setup an arbi site to make lets say 8 bucks or 100 of them to make $800. how long does it take you to make 100 nich sites? plus you got to bust your ass to manage the bids. there are other things that you can do as well like home loan, car loans, debt consolidation, school loan and school loan consolidation. and alot more. there are lot more you can do. all at the same store. all you need is a computer and an internet connection. so you don't really need much money to start. your only overhead is the rent.

i dont do arbi.
I think it could work. Are you saying when you get a lead for a loan. You give you customer the loan money and then you take out multiple loans under your clients name?

what? lol.
no man. ok here is the deal. you become affiliate with all of these payday loan companies out there. or atleas 8-9 of them. the more the better. the most you can get from a payday load company is like $500-$1200 no more than that for a payday loan. you put an ad for payday loan for up to lets say $10,000.00 (make sure to put it that way. it looks better and more attractive) when they come in to get the loan, you have the applicants to apply through every single one of your affiliated companies, or you can have an employee do it for them. if they are ill or old school. they get the loans if they get approved. if not, you pay them $25. in anycase, you are going to make atleast $110 just for applying. and I know of a company who pays you $60 for every approved application. so there are alot you can do.
so what you saying is try take out 5 small high interest rate loans for each applicatant. would you explain this to your applicant? Do you think they would be ok with 5 different loans?
I was thinking to place an ad on local newspaper for payday loans and say something like get up to $10,000, fast approval and crap like that. when they come in, have them to apply for the loan through my affiliate links. of course there is a computer for them and somebody will assist them. If I get 8 people to apply through 5 different payday loan I'm affiliated with, and let's say they pay me $22 per lead, that's $880 a day. to bring in more people I can guarantee approval or pay them $25 Cash right away (if i do this, i'm sure I'm going to get way more than 8 applicant)
now, if you going to do this and you like my idea, be a man (or woman) and give me a percentage of whatever you made.

what do you think? :rasta:
How you could have a 'repuation beyound repute' yet give such a stupid idea is beyond me.

You do realize that newspaper advetising is very expensve? You would probably be looking at $500-1000 a week for a small ad. And why would anyone apply though 5 different leads? That is too much work.
so what you saying is try take out 5 small high interest rate loans for each applicatant. would you explain this to your applicant? Do you think they would be ok with 5 different loans?

man, I've been working with these people for years. these people are desperet. I've seen people applying for a loan and they got qualified for only $50. they got it right away. do you know how much that dumb ass end up paying back? $340 after 8 months. he just wanted the miinimum amount to be diducted from his acocunt. that's how dumb and stupid some people are. getting a payday loan is a stupidest thing somebody can actually do. it's plain RIP OFF. people need $$$$.
How you could have a 'repuation beyound repute' yet give such a stupid idea is beyond me.

You do realize that newspaper advetising is very expensve? You would probably be looking at $500-1000 a week for a small ad. And why would anyone apply though 5 different leads? That is too much work.

so you know, I'm in printing and advertising business. so if they make you pay $500 for an ad, i'll pay $250 as a reseller. if you pay $8000 for a billboard, I pay $4000. if you pay $800 for 5000 full color half page postcards, I pay $220. so you get the Idea now? now if you are thinking about placing an add in a local newspapper, then you are wrong. now I'm not going to tell you where to advertise, that's yours to figure out, but I do know where.
No offense, but I think this is pretty stupid. More and more companies are increasing their internet advertising budget to nearly 25% of their overall advertising plan... why? Because it WORKS. Traditional media such as print and broadcast often DON'T work.

When it DOES work it works best for local companies who are trying to build a "brand", offering an incredible deal or promoting an event. National companies that can afford newspaper advertising and radio advertising in every major market are a different breed. Point being, you can EASILY go through $10,000 of print/broadcast advertising without coming close to recouping those costs. Don't forget, you're competing with dozens and dozens of OTHER local companies with BIGGER budgets who have already built a reputation and brand name in that local market.

If you have a small newspaper advertisement in a newspaper that reaches 100,000 people you have to think: 50% probably read the paper that day. That's 50,000. Another 50% probably read the actual "section" you're advertising in. That's 25,000 people. Then how many people turn to your page in this section? How many notice your ad? And how many of these have a need for the product/service you're advertising? Even further, how many will respond to your ad?

That's the key, getting people to respond to you're ad. With PPC advertising and other internet endeavors, you're paying for traffic that is already highly targeted... and then only those that actually show interest in your offer by clicking.

Traditional media CAN work. But, just as with Internet Advertising, it's all about crafting and refining a strategy through trial and error. I'd say the odds are you'll run through your traditional ad budget MUCH quicker than your PPC budget with less to show for it.

I would say traditional advertising works best in 2 scenarios (1) you are a brick and mortar retailer/service provider, (2) you have a ridiculous budget.

The success of traditional advertising relies on 2 key elements: reach and frequency. Reaching great numbers of people multiple times each. Otherwise you're taking a shot in the dark.

If you really want to test this "offline" advertising in traditional media, I would suggest going with either cable TV or a mid-level radio. Then, probably running a high frequency ad schedule in off-peak hours. Saturate a couple hours each night, every night, on the same station and see if you get any results. Unless of course, you don't mind blowing the $10k and getting no results.

Just to put this in perspective, a full-page newspaper ad in a top 20 market will probably cost you no less than $100k. Of course, all those auto and cellular companies are buying in volume and paying much less.

Goodluck with whatever you decide. My background is in traditional advertising so feel free to pick my brain.

EDIT: PS - if you're going to advertise in print, research shows that bigger ads don't always correllate to bigger results. A smaller ad that is in COLOR will work best.
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well, the thing is my target audience are not those who actually read local newspaper or at least I'm not talking about a major local publication. there is this thing called cross marketing. first of all doing PPC for any kind of loan is suicide in my opinion. so there is no way for a local loan company to come and start a PPC campaign. the only thing you can do is buy leads. it's all about leads. that's why they have affiliate programs. I've been working for a local pay day loan company as a webmaster for a few months. so I have a good idea of how their system works and what are the costs of it. all they did was printing flyers. they've been placing ads on cheap newspaper. like HoustonPress or GreenSheet. they are free and everybody pick them up specially blue-color people. placing ads in these magazines are extremely cheap. for a half a page, it's like $500. return is unbelievable. these people were getting at least 40-50 calls a day. I'm not sure how many actually walked in. the most they would lend was like $500. their average profit per customer was $80-$95. printing is cheap. maybe in my case cause I've got a reseller account.
I think there is a lot of potential in this. if you offer them like a cash reward incase they don't qualify for the loan, they'll give it a shot no matter what. so taking business away from local companies is easy. really easy. I'm lending a lot more than local companies, I guarantee approval or I pay them. local companies just can't compete with this. and there is a lot more.
so all I'm trying to say is that you don't need big budget to start this. maybe $2000 for beginning. of course there are other ways of marketing. I'm not here to tell you how to market this. but if you know offline marketing, then I'm sure you'll figure it out.
I really don't believe that people would be willing for five high interest loans, and the ones that do will be claiming bankruptcy soon. If they aren't they probably will be after they try to pay off that 10k + interest on top of every thing else they owe.

Setting up the desperate for a harder fall just to make a quick hundred bucks is pathetic.
Your idea is flawed imho.

I always wanted to try this with some internet/phone offers though.

If you were to hit 1 million people and 1% of them were to go to your site, and 1% of the people that go to your site go through with your offer, you would be doing pretty well. Though I bet it wouldn't be near 1%.

Even if it was .1% of 1 million it would seem pretty good to me.
Unless you guys have experience with offline advertising your opinions are worseless. Before the web how do you think people made money advertising? Print and the tv. I know guys who became multi-millionaires thanks to successful campaigns. Spend some time watching late night TV, those guys aren't spending dollars because they have money to burn, they are doing it because it makes them a profit.

The real problem is that in the offline world you are taking much bigger bets. With online advertising you can burn $50, and make an adjustment. Offline, you are looking at burning severalthousand a pop. High profile media channels you might be burning $25k-100k in one shot. But that doesn't mean you can't turn a profit on it. The ability to accept big losses are what seperate the ballers from the small players. Think $75k is big? How about those real estate guys who take on a huge property and have to spend several hundred thousand on taxes and maintance every month they hold it? Thats risk.
Btw Ataraxy, I am going to give nationwideadvertising a shot. I saw that site before but totally forgot about it.
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