ProfitKingsMedia Payments

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Lots of good things being said about Profit Kings on here lately...

Quit crying, everyone seems to have problems with this company, move on.


WTF do you have a Joe Hall gif up in this thread for?
I am still owed $xx,xxx from PKM. Yousif said that if I move myself and 4 other affiliates I know from EWA he would bump me on a skin pairing. So I moved a $xx,xxx a week campaign over to him and ran 2 weeks of traffic and have not seen one payment. Have messaged Sandra and Yousif but both are showing as "away".
This is why I respectfully disagree with banning grindhard, I think it would be better to have him answer any posts like the last one instead of just being banned.

Everything has been sorted, Yousif reached out to me and paid up withing 24 hours. A wire hit my account this morning. Yousif is a good guy. He does what all good guys do and resolve problems with as little fuss as possible and in a timely manner. Working with PKM has been a pleasure and I will be running plenty more traffic with PKM as from now. I was not in any way told to write any of this or was I blackmailed in fear of not receiving my wire. Everything in this thread is from my own words and thoughts on the situation.
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