Professional Freelance Writer – Blogger/Article Writer

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Jim - sent you an email.

NOTE: I take payment through paypal by "GIFT" under the 'personal' tab.
I made a mistake on original posting and I'm not able to edit it. I take
payments up front because I work as a professional freelance writer and I
know the companies I work for pay like clockwork, not sure about individuals.

You can find my Monday blog here: Gadgets You Never Knew You Needed: Robotic Lawn Mower

Just hit "view all posts by ChuckG" for credibility. The editor of the company
sought me out. I didn't have to apply for a job there and they offered me
my own personal blog each week.

I LOVE writing!

It's what I do.
Just received another iTrader positive review from a satisfied customer. Currently I''m finishing up a 12 article bulk order. After today will be available to take more orders.

I recently wrote over 15 articles for one WF member and his site now ranks #2 in Google. I'm very competitive. I want your websites to do extremely well in ratings for you. I'm very thorough in my research. My rates are higher than others here because I'm a published writer. My rates are what I get paid for by commercial websites.

I know "key phrasing" how to place them naturally within the content. I can help boost your Google rating, too! You can always order just one article and we'll go from there.
Another iTrader point with a client who needed "dense" research. Probably the hardest articles I've written to date and yet most rewarding.

He states "serious writer" and I am because I do put myself into each article. It's the holidays and I need as much work as I can get.

You want or need something done fast and with quality, I'm your writer. I'm looking to secure another steady client outside of the companies I work for.

If you're tired of second rate articles, then let me relieve you of such worries. Get quality articles here, quickly, well researched and please note I take work that I know I can do. I turn away work if I feel I can't give you the quality you deserve.

How many other writers here will do that?
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