procuring a domain from a domainer??

It's gonna take you approximately 3 months to get the domain name, but contact him once a week and offer $100, $101, $102 so on and so forth until he finally drops his price. Worked for me once in the past. **Can be scripted

I really like this idea, and the creative dickroll in your signature. +rep

1 pair of tits, fuck that...



You're probably screwed. Digging around shows that the guy owns a shit ton of garbage LLL and LLLL domains in a variety of TLDs. He probably thinks that they're all worth 10k each and therefore doesn't mind holding on to them for ten or fifteen years while he waits for the right buyer.

Being pretty active in the domainer world, I'd say that there are far fewer slimeballs than there are total fucking morons, no different from IM really.
