procuring a domain from a domainer??


Mar 10, 1988
San Diego, CA
I'm not looking to do anything shady here, but from what I understand [many] domainers are slimy shady scum that feed on the blood of regular people while they sleep. I have little personal experience dealing with them.

So I wanted to get basically as a shortcut for my blog -- it was available when I checked the other day, and I shouldn't have procrastinated.

Now, some shitty domainer's got it, and advertising other 3-letters for $5k.

Given that the "site" he's parked on it is crap -- There's no way to contact but a phone number, and every fucking link on the page is broken -- I'm assuming this guy is willing to negotiate.

So what's the best way to approach him? Given that I'm not looking to use it for anything corporate, I need it for ~$150, no more.

Thanks, Tits --

Are you fucking kidding? Just because someone has a domain that you want and is now selling it doesn't mean shit. That's life. You should know that 3 letter domains are snatched up quickly for various reasons.

You should of registered it when you had the chance.
I've tried to buy domains from squatters before, just simple parked pages (and much longer than 3 letters). They wouldn't even answer my email.
Its hard usually you have to send them an offer that's rediculously to even get them to respond. Also a 3 letter .co they probably think is worth a bit more than 150 or they wouldn't have picked it up. You could try picking up some domain thats worth a bit on the cheap from some domainers trying to get rid of stuff and offer a trade. That might work.
I'm not looking to do anything shady here, but from what I understand [many] domainers are slimy shady scum that feed on the blood of regular people while they sleep. I have little personal experience dealing with them.
"I was gonna run the race, but I went off to get a cup of coffee. All the runners went off without me! How could they be so selfish?... "

Looks like you are out of luck, maybe give him a call and try to assess the situation?

Can't imagine would be worth much except to the owner of, and judging from the 1997 web site design there I would say this domainer isn't going to make a ton of money off the name.

That said, as a "sleazy domainer" myself part time, I generally don't sell domains for less than $300-$500 because often the negotiations and transferring of the domain is a pain so it isn't worthwhile.
ok dude i'll sell it to you for just 4k...
but you have to respond within the best 15 minutes

I've bought and sold a few domains of sedo or similar... the pros have more patience and like to fuck with you a bit. Domaining is like chess, or poker. You just gotta feel em out. I'm no pro, but this is the feeling I get from the game.

I registered a bunch of .co and had an offer 2 days later for $280... I counter-offered at a couple thousand. He didn't reply and I got impatient. I eventually keep making new offers every few days until I finally went down a few bucks over his original offer, and he finally gave in.
has a good one a while back, in a pretty small niche, some money to be made but would take a long time just to recoup the cost they want for the domain.

original plus my reply.


That's a good one. Next time I'm having a bad day and need a good laugh I'll mail your firm again.


On 6 Jul 2010, at 17:02, xxxxxx <> wrote:

Hi chris,

Thank you for your interest in the domain name, is currently valued: $10500

As you may already be aware, the demand for and prices of domain names is on the rise. We only guarantee your quoted price for 7 days. All sales are on a first come, first serve basis. If you are serious about purchasing this domain, I encourage you to do so today!
get their whois info, and email them lowball offers for a few weeks and then come in with the offer you want to make from your real email account?
get their whois info, and email them lowball offers for a few weeks and then come in with the offer you want to make from your real email account?

The only time I don't negotiate much on selling domains is if I have had more than 1 buyer interested in the past, so I'd watch out for multiple offers from different emails.

They are super highballing it, so I'd make your best offer and tell them that is the most you will do. Then go silent.
Pay him the money, or look for another domain.

There is no law that says he can't buy up any and every domain he wants t.
It's gonna take you approximately 3 months to get the domain name, but contact him once a week and offer $100, $101, $102 so on and so forth until he finally drops his price. Worked for me once in the past. **Can be scripted
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