Printed Publications

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
Are there any printed publications (magazines) that you guys 'n gals read that are on topic to any type of internet development?

I read entrepreneur a lot, but there's not a whole lot about the web on there. It seems that most of the computer mags are all based around gamer stuff. Are there any good web specific publications, or more specifically, how to make money online?

I got some new search engine marketing magazine in the mail a month or so ago, it was dissapointing. Business 2.0 is pretty good, Fortune Small Business too, but neither specifically cover internet development.
I subscribe to Wired, that's about all I read that's even vaguely related.

Most of the internet entrepeneur type magazines seem really junky.
I check out NetGuide (aussie mag), not exactly net related, more general computers, but it's good (and cheap).
Andrew said:
I got some new search engine marketing magazine in the mail a month or so ago, it was dissapointing. Business 2.0 is pretty good, Fortune Small Business too, but neither specifically cover internet development.
I also enjoy Fortune Small Business. I always rob my uncle's old copies.

As for the original topic of the thread... I guess there just aren't many out there.
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