President Mitt Romney - easiest way to "predict" presidential winners...


WF Bronze Member
May 13, 2011
Gone Baby Gone
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if a mormon becomes president I'm leaving this fucking country. almost as bad as palin
Careful dchuk, right now the choices are few! He's clearly got the GOPers beat; he's only got to beat Obama and you're going to be forced to move...

But honestly, how much worse is a mormon than a regular Christian that we've had to put up with for so long? It's not like he can collect taxes from the dead...
The dude is no bueno on social issues but he has the most experience by far of turning an organization around to profitability.

He has the intelligence and leadership experience that no one else in the pack does.

We need someone that isn't afraid to piss off 60% of Americas and do what needs to be done to get the country out of it's slump. There's no other way
If you guys don't already know its gonna be Mitt vs Barack, you are retarded.
Careful dchuk, right now the choices are few! He's clearly got the GOPers beat; he's only got to beat Obama and you're going to be forced to move...

But honestly, how much worse is a mormon than a regular Christian that we've had to put up with for so long? It's not like he can collect taxes from the dead...

the mormon faith is so obviously made up and ridiculous (all faith systems are, but mormonism is a 150 year old story made up by a whackjob) that anyone who adheres to it obviously lacks any and all critical thinking abilities.

Plus, I need to do some traveling anyways, so it would be a good impetus to boogey on out of here :)
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if a mormon becomes president I'm leaving this fucking country. almost as bad as palin

Can you please give reasons as to why a Mormon president would be such a bad thing?

What terrible things do you see him doing as president because of his faith that will effect the country?
the mormon faith is so obviously made up and ridiculous (all faith systems are, but mormonism is a 150 year old story made up by a whackjob) that anyone who adheres to it obviously lacks any and all critical thinking abilities.

How is this any different from Christianity?
If you guys don't already know its gonna be Mitt vs Barack, you are retarded.
Seriously doubt he'll win the general election if he gets the nomination, but the agenda remains the same regardless...
I disagree with your first statement and agree with the second. Right now it's fun to beat up Romney over his similarities to Obama, but when he accepts the nomination it will be all about the fact that he is NOT Obama. I think that alone will get him elected.
Hopefully Paul or Johnson run Independent otherwise I'm staying home.
Can you please give reasons as to why a Mormon president would be such a bad thing?

What terrible things do you see him doing as president because of his faith that will effect the country?

... mormonism is a 150 year old story made up by a whackjob [and] anyone who adheres to it obviously lacks any and all critical thinking abilities.

Anyone who genuinely believes in Mormonism lacks critical thinking skills, as the entire story of how it came to be and what it stands for are all fucking fictional jokes. The faith system is not grounded in any sort of reality (I know most aren't, I'm arguing specifically about Mormons right now though).

I believe this is true of all people of faith to be honest, but especially Mormons.
Dchuk: why are you assuming he genuinely believes in Mormonism?

My first reaction was also that it was retarded but maybe he just got his political start in a pro-Mormon area (or his life start) and has calculated that coming out and denying his religion would be a far more politically retarded move than brushing the relative non-issue of religion under the rug.

I don't like the guy, but I had the same initial reaction, but I'm not sure at this point that I mind any more than having a Christian...

That said, if Anyone running in 2012 gets elected il leave the country with you until I learn that everywhere else sucks about as much.

he accepts the nomination it will be all about the fact that he is NOT Obama. I
think that alone will get him elected.

I think Kerry ran on the "I'm not Dubya" platform in 2004, yet somehow...

Hopefully Paul or Johnson run Independent otherwise I'm staying home.

Paul has said so many times he won't run as an independent, mostly because he'd be excluded from the debates and it's really hard to get on the ballot in all 50 states.

Johnson might try it though. If not I'll vote for constitution party or libertarian party candidate.