Presale: auction2post plugin - save $$ w/ coupon code! Turn eBay auctions into posts!

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Only complaint I have, and perhaps it is being modifed is that description text comes with no <br> breaks. I guess the XML dump just dumps it like this? but perhaps input an option for random breaks?

Why random, baby?! General Settings - HTML Description instead of Text Description, allowable tags <p> - love is in the air!

Doesn't anyone watch my video tutorials?! lol! :D

Glad you like!

Why random, baby?! General Settings - HTML Description instead of Text Description, allowable tags <p> - love is in the air!

Doesn't anyone watch my video tutorials?! lol! :D

Glad you like!

i live in the frickin jungle of thailand, and video don't stream here...
the backend is daunting . . . but its actually good cause this complexity will avoid a footprint cause everybody will do it their own way...
LISTEN UP! The next person to buy the auction2post plugin will get one year of free hosting with ZenSix. You'll be getting the $59.99/year DirectAdmin "Perfectly Balanced" plan (check out the site for details).

The catch? Once you install and use the plugin, you have to come back to this thread and give an honest review of both the plugin and the hosting.

To make it fair, the first person to respond to this post saying they've bought the plugin, gets the free hosting account. And once radio verifies that you've bought it, I'll set the account up for you.

Now stop reading this and go buy the freaking plugin. You'll be getting $138.99 worth of plugins and hosting for $59 (use his coupon code).
Ok I am going to ask a total noob question. Please don't dick roll me.

So what would be the proper use for this plugin.

Buy domain
Create Niche
Create Automated posts using plugin
Promote using PPC...
Or would this organically pick up traffic? Or both.

I watched the videos if I can 'get it' - a lot of people can. Looks great.
LISTEN UP! The next person to buy the auction2post plugin will get one year of free hosting with ZenSix. You'll be getting the $59.99/year DirectAdmin "Perfectly Balanced" plan (check out the site for details).

The catch? Once you install and use the plugin, you have to come back to this thread and give an honest review of both the plugin and the hosting.

To make it fair, the first person to respond to this post saying they've bought the plugin, gets the free hosting account. And once radio verifies that you've bought it, I'll set the account up for you.

Now stop reading this and go buy the freaking plugin. You'll be getting $138.99 worth of plugins and hosting for $59 (use his coupon code).

that would be me. Your hosting pushed me to by right now. I was gonna wait a few days. Oh well.
  • Like
Reactions: radio
Buy domain
CreatePick Niche (unless you got mad skills to create demand)
Create Automated posts using plugin
Promote using PPC...
Organically pick up traffic.
i'm not above dickrolling someone in my own sales thread. so be forewarned. ;)

you pretty much nailed it. but it's generally accepted that you don't promote epn stores w/ ppc. some people do with good results, so to each their own. but i would not recommend using one of these sites w/ ppc. this is for search traffic and owning the long-tail. then driving that traffic to eBay w/ cookies in tow.

here's a further explanation about ppc and epn sites.
Why you should not use PPC with your phpBay Pro sites | phpBay Tips

no dickroll... promise! :D
Ok I am going to ask a total noob question. Please don't dick roll me.

So what would be the proper use for this plugin.

Buy domain
Create Niche
Create Automated posts using plugin
Promote using PPC...
Or would this organically pick up traffic? Or both.

I watched the videos if I can 'get it' - a lot of people can. Looks great.

The uses are limited by your creativity.
The basics. EPN will pay you some $ when a person you refer to an auction, buys. A2P automates the link building. You host a site with hundreds of EPN links on it. When people find your site, thru some funky keyword searches. They follow your links to the item's they were looking for. They buy, you win.
that would be me. Your hosting pushed me to by right now. I was gonna wait a few days. Oh well.

You'll be getting sites indexed in the time you would have been sitting on your thumbs! You got a sweet deal. Again, thanks to zensix for the offer.

Remember, the deal includes you writing a review of both the plugin AND the zensix perfectly balanced premium hosting.

I've tested out the plugin on ALL zensix hosting accounts and it works great - but let's hear a customer review (although i do have both a cpanel and direct admin acct w/ zensix, but I digress).
Radio's got the whole customer service thing down. He even put together a custom hack for one of my sites to get the thing working.

And...he cups the balls.
Last night I had Radio working with me one on one to hack some existing themes to do some incredible things. Bar none his "service" has been the awesome. Wish I could afford to hire him full time.
thanks Ross! 0.0.9 drops in 45 minutes! create categories instantly from Automation tab and Search tab (speeds productivity up crazy fast!), preview your Automated Search results before scheduling (see search results and fine tune if necessary before posting so you know your automated events will create fine tuned niche specific posts full of dripping wet hot content!)

and while i would love the bump... yes - a2p Version 1.0 released on Monday will be wp 2.8 compatible (if it isn't already).
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