PR7 Real Estate Sold on Flippa for $305

like for example.. I recently snagged for like $25

It's a PR4 domain.. 11 years old

I have no clue what I'll do with it.. if someone wants it i'll sell.. I own a grip of these

Hate to break it to you but that domain appears to have only 1 backlink. A nofollow comment to a zip file from Ghostwriter | - Home of the MT Community

There is usually a reason these domains go for peanuts, but mostly because they are in fact shit. The ones with real value go for a lot more, to the point where you have to dig deep to judge it's worth.

Not sure if serious nick...

It's an 11 year old domain name that hasn't dropped and has a PR4.

This is WF.. how hard is it to add backlinks to it? LMAO

it's An 11 year old pr4 domain

experience matters ;)

You keep believing what you want and i'll keep flipping these domains to websites that go for 15k +
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Hate to break it to you but that domain appears to have only 1 backlink. A nofollow comment to a zip file from Ghostwriter | - Home of the MT Community

There is usually a reason these domains go for peanuts, but mostly because they are in fact shit. The ones with real value go for a lot more, to the point
where you have to dig deep to judge it's worth.

This. That domain is shit. A domain's PR and linking strength are only as good as it's backlinks. If our ability to see PR was real-time that domain was be PR 0.
Not everyone wants these domains for PR. #Imjustsayin

This + 10000

These other guys just don't get it. They're calling an 11 year old domain with a PR4 shit when I can easily get great backlinks to it and unique content and flip the website for 15k +

hilarious shit
Right, because buying a PR 4 domain that is 11 years old will automatically mean you can bring in 60K visitors per month. Wow are you stupid. GL flipping your $25 domain for 15K.

like for example.. I recently snagged for like $25

It's a PR4 domain.. 11 years old

I have no clue what I'll do with it.. if someone wants it i'll sell.. I own a grip of these

Wow you own a grip of these? Whatever the fuck that means...I thought you could easily flip these for 15K and more? GTFO dude you are so full of shit it's falling out of your vagina.

I think my friend has a domain he registered 10 years ago, domain name is Since it's so old maybe I can talk him letting you develop it and flipping it for huge cash.
The link I posted is a website I flipped for 15k

Click the link next time genius.. i sold

I've flipped sites for over 75k.

The most important part in flipping websites is an aged domain.

Affiliate marketing isn't the only way to make money on the internet.

These domains are perfect for website flipping.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
The link I posted is a website I flipped for 15k

Click the link next time genius.. i sold

I've flipped sites for over 75k.

The most important part in flipping websites is an aged domain.

Affiliate marketing isn't the only way to make money on the internet.

These domains are perfect for website flipping.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Ghrips..Buyers care about content, domain age, page rank, etc.

Domain age and page rank can be had for 25 bucks.

Whenever youre ready to stop getting schooled let me know I could use another content bitch on my outsource team
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Ghrips..Buyers care about content, domain age, page rank, etc.

Domain age and page rank can be had for 25 bucks.

Whenever youre ready to stop getting schooled let me know I could use another content bitch on my outsource team
This is Pwning of the likes rarely seen.
Meh. I don't make my money with affiliate marketing. I clicked the link and understood perfectly. And congrats on your sale, you must be very proud. But you come into the thread 'enlightening' everyone about godaddy auctions. And then chiming how your $25 shitty domain can 'easily' be flipped for "15K or more" as you say. There is ALOT more to it than domain age and out-of-date PR, namely content and traffic and whether it's monetized at all already.

And lmao at your little fanboy 1yerrot. Funny stuff.
ghrips, you seem to be retreating. You're attempting to tell me how hard it is to flip websites into profit.. when you're not an expert.. when in fact I posted a link showing you one of my flips.

Congrats on my sale? Proud? I make around 50 of these sales a year. This is just one revenue stream.

I was just coming in here saying how PR/aged domains can be had for cheap at godaddy without dropping.

it seems like you were/still am attempting to be a smartass forum faggot and bust my balls and bit off more than you could chew.
@1yerrot - hehe :)

@tavin nope not retreating, unlike guys like you who try to act so awesome on forums i could give a flying fuck...i have real life stuff i care about...i just find it annoying when douches like you come into threads chest-puffing and throwing out dollar figures...

and lmao at your continued efforts to prove you 'won' old are you? don't answer, you won, i retreat with my tail between my legs because you are so wicked smart and can turn 25 bucks in 15K just like that