PPVOptimizer: TrafficVance Edition.

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I am really interested in a copy of the software, however, I did a google search for ppv optimizer, you got a REALLY bad review ranking higher than your official website.

Any reputable WF member that does a lot of ppv advertising actually bought a copy? I want to hear a few more reviews before dropping $500 on the software.

@ Valheru75, patch sent. Software should be working fine.

You can ask xmcp who recived a review copy of the software. It works as described.
Bad reviews I can not help, they are expected in this business. There are currently 20+ people using this software without any problems.

I would offer a trial of this software but cannot, the reason being I am trying to limit the possibilities of this software being cracked and distributed. If this were to happened, it would really damage the PPV market for Trafficvance. This is also why we do not offer refunds after the software has been purchased.

On a lighter note I would also like to say we are working on a web-app of this software which will support all the major networks in the PPV game.
Stay tuned, we are shooting for the end of December, early 2010 for PPVOptimizer 2.0 to be released.

(there will be a free 24hr trial for the web-app :banana_sml:)
@ Valheru75, patch sent. Software should be working fine.

You can ask xmcp who recived a review copy of the software. It works as described.
Bad reviews I can not help, they are expected in this business. There are currently 20+ people using this software without any problems.

I would offer a trial of this software but cannot, the reason being I am trying to limit the possibilities of this software being cracked and distributed. If this were to happened, it would really damage the PPV market for Trafficvance. This is also why we do not offer refunds after the software has been purchased.

From PPV Optimizer Review - Avoid it like the plague! |

[11/4/2009 11:47:12 AM] Jonathan van Clute: it also misses bids
[11/4/2009 11:47:19 AM] Jonathan van Clute: the dev knows these are issues
[11/4/2009 11:47:27 AM] Jonathan van Clute: but for now they are issues I’m not willing to put up with
[11/4/2009 11:47:38 AM] Jonathan van Clute: if I’m relying on this thing to run my campaigns, it can’t just quit
[11/4/2009 11:47:39 AM] Jonathan van Clute: ever
[11/4/2009 11:48:19 AM] PPV Optimizer: well if thats the case I ill issue a refund then

It took some arm twisting, but they eventually agreed to give me the refund after all. That was November 4. It’s now November 18 and despite repeated reminders in Skype and Email, they are ignoring me and NOT issuing the refund as promised.
So the bottom line here is… PPV Optimizer doesn’t work reliably, has no documentation, was written by someone who has no idea how to actually use TV or what we do as traffic brokers, and they won’t give you a refund if you’re not satisfied with it.
I’d call that a huge mega thumbs down if ever there was one.
If you take a roll of the dice with PPV Optimizer, be prepared to lose.

I wouldn't touch your shitty product with a ten foot pole.
yep, shazza still waiting for her refund...never gonna come from this douche though with his BS excuses...

I don't understand what you guys don't understand, they knew before buying this application there are NO REFUNDS. All sales are final when purchasing this application.

Shazza refused further customer support, I even made a video tutorial to better explain how to use the application. I never heard of a desktop bot that is able to run while your computer is in sleep mode or turned off?

Maybe she is in the wrong business....
Patch was sent to me and program is working great. Also the one bug that was there where the program would shut down occasionally for no reason seems to be gone also.

F the BS and just take it off the market. I don't want anybody else having this program anyways.

Thanks Mistik!!!
I don't understand what you guys don't understand, they knew before buying this application there are NO REFUNDS. All sales are final when purchasing this application.

Shazza refused further customer support, I even made a video tutorial to better explain how to use the application. I never heard of a desktop bot that is able to run while your computer is in sleep mode or turned off?

Maybe she is in the wrong business....

LOL, she was one of the best people we ever spoke with.


Seriously now?

The program works perfectly, and while people sit there every 5 minuets trying to keep there bids updated because our users are watching tv and not having to worry, i feel for ya.

The program rocks, and we even have a PPV company ready to endorse it + give us there API for 2.0.

Way to listen to one post from some van clute guy who needs to take a shower. Maybe i should have Rob or Cory come in here and post a review...since you seem to be followers and cant make a decision on your own, and follow one biased review from someone who was too impatient to wait 2-3 days for a new version (which was built mainly for him, to fix his issue).

"Patience is a virtue" and im sure ALL of our current users can vouch for that.

You know what...Ill give two free copy's away to the TOP people on WF who use TV (You need to be uber popular apparently), and let them post an honest review.

Still cant believe ANYONE thinks van clute is a guru/big shot..lol
From PPV Optimizer Review - Avoid it like the plague! |


I wouldn't touch your shitty product with a ten foot pole.

From Marketing Your Work

PPV Optimizer opened the door to being able to outbid not only by .001, but also, “optimize your ppv bids” to get you the position you wanted, and NOT go over a max bid. This essentially allowed you to choose a particular target, set a max bid and what rank you wanted to achieve. If competitors were outbidding you, the bot would always ensure you didn’t surpass your max allotted bid. As a bonus to keep a tight reign on ppv spending, the ppv optimizer bot would ensure if competition dropped their bids on targets, then so would you! This would save you having to “manually” check where #2 position is/was. If you are a big user of Traffic Vance, then you know pretty much what Im talking about. That is a serious pain in the ass.


Having had a sneak peak at PPV Optimizer 2.0, I can now say I am more stoked then ever to really strech into the other PPV ad networks more. I have a decent amount of Media Traffic expereince along with findology, directcpv.com and now even a new network — linksador.com. Seeing these PPV Networks added to PPV Optimizer will be a refreshing change of pace for me, as I will now be able to truly “scale” my ppv marketing efforts. Take the guys up on their well supported app, don’t let the skeptics turn u away. Overall, I give this app a definite 8.0/10 and recommend it to anyone who does a lot of traffic buying from the major ppv networks.

You should make it so you can specify a limit, otherwise if two people were using tools like these you would get into a bidding war without realising and then end up paying huge prices.
You should make it so you can specify a limit, otherwise if two people were using tools like these you would get into a bidding war without realising and then end up paying huge prices.

users can set a max bid per target already :banana_sml:
is this user not cabuki from cpagreed who ripped people off i would stay clear of anything with this dude
is this user not cabuki from cpagreed who ripped people off i would stay clear of anything with this dude

Cabuki is no longer involved with the software, he has ventured off to do his own thing. I will continue to support the application to the fullest, if you would like a copy of the software please contact me through PM's.
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