PPV Tracking -- What do you use?

What do you use to track PPV?

  • P202

    Votes: 27 50.0%
  • Bevo

    Votes: 12 22.2%
  • Homebrew Script

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • Other (please post a comment clarifying)

    Votes: 8 14.8%

  • Total voters


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Homebrew Script?
PPV Network Pixels? (Just for the sake of completeness--don't actually expect people to use this)

What do you guys use? I've been tracking things with Bevo and it doesn't work that great for PPV due to lack of fixes/documentation (although its a great platform otherwise).

Looking for recos. Ideally I need something that:

  • Can cloak
  • Let's me split test landers
  • Handles target passthroughs for all the major ppv networks
  • Automatically pulls and parses SIDs from my affiliate networks
  • Preferably provides a nice and easy to use dashboard for analyzing all that data
  • Active support

Willing to pay if need be, but I need something that is rock solid for PPV and preferably designed with it in mind.

jesus fucking christ dude. you are either retarded or you get off on making this thread every week

Nothing wrong with asking intelligent questions. Plus, its not like I'm not researching anything on my own--quite the contrary. Its just difficult when there isn't a lot of easily accessible information out there.
You can use Prosper202 and the split testing script.

The way the script works is it will load the HTML to the different landers you have in your directory. I like to use index.php for the rotating script, and then 1.php , 2.php , 3.php , and so on for the landers. All the script does is load the contents of your landers into index.php - you're structure looks like this.


If you want to test a direct link vs. a landing page, you just do a PHP redirect in 3.php for example

header('Location: hxxp://youraffiliatelink.com');

Watch this PHP beginner series. Around day 3 or 4, he teaches you how to pass values (in the case of affiliate marketing, subid's) page to page with the PHP $_GET['blah'] thingamajig.
Thanks for the info there. Does it have a function that tells you which one converted and does it pass it back into 202?
Yes, Dude, for the love of god just start running shit and quit creating threads until you do.

Who ever said I wasn't? Currently running stuff on Bevo and trying to work through some PPV tracking challenges with Ryan on that. I'm just always looking to improve my tracking since data is king and I'm relatively new to the PPV game.

I'll probably be testing out 202 this weekend, but I was just looking for anecdotal information to help me avoid wasting my time--no need to get your panties in a wad.

Too bad Kenshoo no longer really supports affiliates or has a PPV offering--that shit is a dream for my PPC stuff.
Yes, Dude, for the love of god just start running shit and quit creating threads until you do.

Gotta agree with these guys Truffles, you make a Random PPV question way too much. Hounding Bevo_Ryan a million times, probably before you even bother to contact him or his CS. Relax player.
You can use Prosper202 and the split testing script.

The way the script works is it will load the HTML to the different landers you have in your directory. I like to use index.php for the rotating script, and then 1.php , 2.php , 3.php , and so on for the landers. All the script does is load the contents of your landers into index.php - you're structure looks like this.


If you want to test a direct link vs. a landing page, you just do a PHP redirect in 3.php for example

Watch this PHP beginner series. Around day 3 or 4, he teaches you how to pass values (in the case of affiliate marketing, subid's) page to page with the PHP $_GET['blah'] thingamajig.

Off topic, but why is there a txt file in that code? This is what I have been using:


$urls = array (






$redirect = $urls[rand(0,count($urls)-1)];


So not knowing a ton about PHP yet, what part of that script ensures that it is 100% random? Or is it not random at all and just cycles? I recall seeing something once about how the "rand" function wasn't really mathematically random in the true sense due to how it generated the random number.
So not knowing a ton about PHP yet, what part of that script ensures that it is 100% random? Or is it not random at all and just cycles? I recall seeing something once about how the "rand" function wasn't really mathematically random in the true sense due to how it generated the random number.

it just cycles.
what you do is pass the keyword to the query string of your lander hxxp://www.yourdomain.com/index.php?kw=theurlyouarebiddingon.com

then with PHP you grab that out of the query and pass it on to the keyword are of your prosper redirect

$url = $_GET['kw'];
<!DOCTYPE html>

then on your outbound links you do this

hxxp://prosperdomain.com/tracking202/redirect/dl.php?t202id=5923&t202kw=<?php echo $url; ?>

watch the beginners PHP video and it will make more sense.

so, you can have 1 adgroup with 100 different url's you are bidding on in it. you pass it to the lander. grab it out and echo it onto the t202kw= section. the only thing you need to do from here is format your destination URL's correctly in the PPV network so it passes the url correctly.
Love how people are just assuming that because I am asking questions I haven't/won't test anything for myself, especially after I just explained that I have been.

Oh, and the site I hotlinked in that Boobs thread pulled the image, hence why it is no longer in there.

Thanks to the people who don't mind sharing info--ffs its not like I'm asking how to make monies by ranking my blog with se0.