PPC Coach?

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Yeah but if you wanted to learn affiliate marketing you're going to need those skillz ... and people at ppc-coach will help you with those things. Sure you're going to have to work at it but if you have no experience in those things and you want to make it in AM you're going to have to fucking work.
I agree yea you need to put in the work, but PPC Coach is a PPC forum, not a noob web development forum. And as much as the folks over there are pretty helpful, you're more likely to find a better technical response from a web design orientated forum.

I have to disagree with this whole PPC-Coach is for beginners stuff - because anyone who's actually on there will tell you it's not. Beginners to PPC, yes. But beginners to the interwebs in general - hell no.

Before anyone joins PPC-Coach, they need to at the very least understand how to use HTML, the basics of PHP, setting up a shared hosting account etc. Stuff that most of us take for granted really, but I've seen quite a few noobs join PPC-Coach who are wasting their money because they haven't got a clue about how to do the basics.

If you dont know this stuff you are nowhere near ready for affiliate marketing. Period.
If you dont know this stuff you are nowhere near ready for affiliate marketing. Period.

At some point, everyone affiliate marketer has to sign up for hosting for the very first time. And do a lot of other things for the very first time. Even if they do it and its a total train wreck, they still need to do it the very first time.

Uncertainty and fear of failure aren't good reasons to not try. If you realize you don't know enough to make it useful, at least you've got motivation to learn what the hell you're doing a lot quicker. If you're going to err, do it on the side of trying and failing rather than sitting and watching.
If you dont know this stuff you are nowhere near ready for affiliate marketing. Period.

Exactly. And for this know-how you don't need to pay also ;) Once you've settled down its good to go with the Coach :music06:
Looks to me as if PPC-Coach.com has been pwned by some hacker - If you search on Google and click on the PPC-Coach SERP listing, it goes to ht tp:// which Firefox reports as an attack site. Doesn't happen when going direct.
Looks to me as if PPC-Coach.com has been pwned by some hacker - If you search on Google and click on the PPC-Coach SERP listing, it goes to ht tp:// which Firefox reports as an attack site. Doesn't happen when going direct.
Hmm I just tried that and didn't get anything like that.

Can you pm me what you did to get that result?
I know someone who is using it and they say it is really fantastic, really turned their PPC campaigns around.
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