PPC Coach?

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consuming abusers
Aug 6, 2008
I'd like to begin a more 'honest' affiliate marketing practice now that I've made some money with my initially chosen endeavor. Would anybody recommend PPC-Coach? A friend brought it up when I mentioned that I was interested in driving legit traffic to my chosen niche via Google, he said it'll help ensure that I don't start throwing away a bunch of money being the newbie that I am. I'd appreciate any feedback, or opinions from people who've tried the service. Thanks.

it's a pretty good site, not the magic bullet but at least you will get an Idea how things work. It builds a good foundation to start.
If you're a total PPC noob, do it. If you've done campaigns for yourself, don't bother.

Of course, it's only $50, so it's not the end of the world if you buy and hate it.
It's not bad. If you have never run a profitable campaign I would recommend it. It's probably the only paid PPC program that is worth the money!
I am currently reviewing these 3...

PPC Bully
PPC Coach
Shoemoney Tools

Hands down the winner so far is Shoemoney Tools. The Keyword Generator give KW's that are actually relevant, and comes up with some good long tails. I haven't finished my reviews, so I can't say for sure the winner, but so far, Shoe Tools has an enormous amount of tools to choose from. It’s not only PPC , but also includes SEO tools, like back link checker, and even a Domain Marketplace.

PPC coach however, has good updates, and does teach more than shoemoney tools does. PPC coach also has a forum, it is active, not extremely , but people do use it.

PPC Coach is very well organized, and can deffinetly help for new and upcomming affiliates, but if you are looking for just the tools, I'd pick Shoemoney Tools.
I've learned a ton at PPC coach and I'm only on month 2. Lost of stuff that you won't learn by reading any forum or blog. You do have to dig a bit to get all the information but everyone's there to help you out. I've also found that I've learned a ton about the content network too.
@digga121: All of those tools / programs are totally different.

One is meant to help you further your campaign, one is meant for researching ads, and the other is for helping you to learn ppc marketing altogether while providing tools. Pretty hard to compare those, but if you can do it, I'll be impressed.
@digga121: All of those tools / programs are totally different.

One is meant to help you further your campaign, one is meant for researching ads, and the other is for helping you to learn ppc marketing altogether while providing tools. Pretty hard to compare those, but if you can do it, I'll be impressed.

Thanks, your totally right. I am not reviewing them to see which one is better, but to simply see if they are worth the money. They can all be used at the same time for different tasks for sure. Like you said, ppcbully is completely different than the other 2. This a thread about PPC coach, and I do highly recommend it, like Adhuslter said, you will make your money back.
Thanks, your totally right. I am not reviewing them to see which one is better, but to simply see if they are worth the money. They can all be used at the same time for different tasks for sure. Like you said, ppcbully is completely different than the other 2. This a thread about PPC coach, and I do highly recommend it, like Adhuslter said, you will make your money back.

Ah Good stuff. Yea I agree, worth it.
As noob you probably have many basic questions you wouldn't want to ask here about PCC. At PPC-Coach you can go ahead and ask them, and nobody will dick-roll you and call you a cretin.

There are also areas for the more advanced users, but I like it as a place where you can learn, relax and be stupid. I also feel it's worthwhile even you pick up a useful tip or two, because PPC mistakes can be expensive.

My two pennies.
if you are a total beginner, then yes PPC coach is the way... everything is layed out for you and will motivate you to take action.
I have to disagree with this whole PPC-Coach is for beginners stuff - because anyone who's actually on there will tell you it's not. Beginners to PPC, yes. But beginners to the interwebs in general - hell no.

Before anyone joins PPC-Coach, they need to at the very least understand how to use HTML, the basics of PHP, setting up a shared hosting account etc. Stuff that most of us take for granted really, but I've seen quite a few noobs join PPC-Coach who are wasting their money because they haven't got a clue about how to do the basics.
I have to disagree with this whole PPC-Coach is for beginners stuff - because anyone who's actually on there will tell you it's not. Beginners to PPC, yes. But beginners to the interwebs in general - hell no.

Before anyone joins PPC-Coach, they need to at the very least understand how to use HTML, the basics of PHP, setting up a shared hosting account etc. Stuff that most of us take for granted really, but I've seen quite a few noobs join PPC-Coach who are wasting their money because they haven't got a clue about how to do the basics.

True enough.
I have to disagree with this whole PPC-Coach is for beginners stuff - because anyone who's actually on there will tell you it's not. Beginners to PPC, yes. But beginners to the interwebs in general - hell no.

Before anyone joins PPC-Coach, they need to at the very least understand how to use HTML, the basics of PHP, setting up a shared hosting account etc. Stuff that most of us take for granted really, but I've seen quite a few noobs join PPC-Coach who are wasting their money because they haven't got a clue about how to do the basics.

Yeah but if you wanted to learn affiliate marketing you're going to need those skillz ... and people at ppc-coach will help you with those things. Sure you're going to have to work at it but if you have no experience in those things and you want to make it in AM you're going to have to fucking work.
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