Porn kills (the soul)

I'm pretty sure selling your body, dignity and shame to the highest bidder has a way of ripping the humanity out of you. You can only hear "Yeah take that dick you little fucking worthless slut of a whore" while 2 horse-dicked men log-jam your asshole so many times before you actually devalue your own self-worth.

Fuck you. I lost it and accidentally snorted my drink.


"The 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick Video is filmed in a dimply lit room. A naked male is seen tied to a frame of bed while his captor stabs him in the abdomen with an ice pick. The victim is them seen with his throat slashed as his captor proceeds to slowly slice various parts of his body with a knife.

Later in the video, the victim is entirely decapitated and the captor uses his kitchen knife to cut into the muscles and dismember one limb after another. The murderer plays with severed limbs and even rubs his crotch area with them. It must have turned him on because the next thing he does is flip the dismembered, decapitated corpse on its front and fuck it in the ass from behind.

Using a knife and fork, the murderer then slices a piece of fatty flesh from victim’s ass and presumably eats it before bringing a hungry dog in to also feast on freshly killed man. The black and white pooch could not resist the smell of raw flesh and bit right into the stump.

Once pooch was done, the murderer stuck a bottle neck up dismembered man’s anus and repeatedly assfucked him with it. Putting the severed hand into use once more, the murderer laid on his bed pantless and masturbated with it."
The problem is that society treats porn stars like HEROES. That's the fucked up part. When you're a kid you think being a pornstar is fucking awesome in all levels: money, fame, respect, women, etc...

The best example is Rocco Siffredi, this guy is a fucking legend in Europe. Not even kidding. Every woman wants him and every man wants to be him. He's always invited to talk shows and offered acting positions in mainstream movies.

Same with Ron Jeremy in the U.S. (to a certain extent because the U.S. is more conservative than Europe when it comes to this shit) and several others.

/My 0.02
So they found the guy killing and dismembering people in Canada. Turns out he was a porn star. They don't tell us what kind of porn this guy was into.

The same kind of thing happened a while back with some ninja sword story. Anyone remember that one?

But one of the reasons I never enjoyed porn was because everyone in porn looked dead inside. Or worried. Or dreading something. Or just soulless. I don't mean the acting in the scene. I mean the actual people, whose terrible acting couldn't hide their real mood.

Fuck man. Even the women in porn just seem so...empty. I don't know if you ever watched em interviewed on youtube or whatever. Just so fuckin' hollow.

I imagine it's a natural outcome of devaluing your body and your sexuality to virtually nothing by letting the whole world take part in it vicariously for no cost or compensation.

Whether intentional or not, what you are doing here would qualify as using emotional propaganda in an attempt to associate being a porn star with being a crazed killer.

You didn't say that being in porn causes people to murder, but Coke also doesn't say that drinking it will cause people to get laid. They know that nobody would take that seriously, so instead they might show couples having fun while drinking Coke, in an attempt to get people to associate the two, even if just on a subconscious level.

[ame=]Propaganda Transfer Technique - YouTube[/ame]
Fuck man. Even the women in porn just seem so...empty. I don't know if you ever watched em interviewed on youtube or whatever. Just so fuckin' hollow.

I imagine it's a natural outcome of devaluing your body and your sexuality to virtually nothing by letting the whole world take part in it vicariously for no cost or compensation.

Actually, they get paid.
Whether intentional or not, what you are doing here would qualify as using emotional propaganda in an attempt to associate being a porn star with being a crazed killer.

You didn't say that being in porn causes people to murder, but Coke also doesn't say that drinking it will cause people to get laid. They know that nobody would take that seriously, so instead they might show couples having fun while drinking Coke, in an attempt to get people to associate the two, even if just on a subconscious level.

Propaganda Transfer Technique - YouTube

I want to be careful not to do that- to try and taint porn stars as murderers by association.

But I want to draw a connection between pleasure/thrill-seeking, desensitization and compulsive addictive behavior.

This guy fits the pattern perfectly. If you're sufficiently white trash I'm sure you know half a dozen people in your own family who fit this pattern too.

I just think it runs rampant among porn stars.
I'm pretty sure selling your body, dignity and shame to the highest bidder has a way of ripping the humanity out of you. You can only hear "Yeah take that dick you little fucking worthless slut of a whore" while 2 horse-dicked men log-jam your asshole so many times before you actually devalue your own self-worth.


I believe you're on to something.