Porn kills (the soul)

Ar Scion

New member
Oct 27, 2009
So they found the guy killing and dismembering people in Canada. Turns out he was a porn star. They don't tell us what kind of porn this guy was into.

The same kind of thing happened a while back with some ninja sword story. Anyone remember that one?

But one of the reasons I never enjoyed porn was because everyone in porn looked dead inside. Or worried. Or dreading something. Or just soulless. I don't mean the acting in the scene. I mean the actual people, whose terrible acting couldn't hide their real mood.

Fuck man. Even the women in porn just seem so...empty. I don't know if you ever watched em interviewed on youtube or whatever. Just so fuckin' hollow.

I imagine it's a natural outcome of devaluing your body and your sexuality to virtually nothing by letting the whole world take part in it vicariously for no cost or compensation.

So they found the guy killing and dismembering people in Canada. Turns out he was a porn star. They don't tell us what kind of porn this guy was into.

The same kind of thing happened a while back with some ninja sword story. Anyone remember that one?

But one of the reasons I never enjoyed porn was because everyone in porn looked dead inside. Or worried. Or dreading something. Or just soulless. I don't mean the acting in the scene. I mean the actual people, whose terrible acting couldn't hide their real mood.

Fuck man. Even the women in porn just seem so...empty. I don't know if you ever watched em interviewed on youtube or whatever. Just so fuckin' hollow.

I imagine it's a natural outcome of devaluing your body and your sexuality to virtually nothing by letting the whole world take part in it vicariously for no cost or compensation.

Thats true but I don't think thats because of porn it was there before for whatever reason...
It was already reported that he was a gay webmaster porn star. And as far as I know it was just one person, but he sent the parts to multiple people.

He is also known for killing kittens and filming them.

Not really sure if the porn had anything to do with that, seems he's just fucked up in the first place. And are you sure the found him, a search now doesn't show any updated story saying the've actually apprehended him.

Maybe it depends on the type of porn you watch but I've never really come to the conclusion they are hollow, some are I guess but some just seem to enjoy it.
You should watch "Naked Ambition: An R Rated Look at an X Rated Industry".

It's pretty good. It's on NetFlix too. Kinda fluffy, but definitely a side you probably wouldn't otherwise see.
I think OP is projecting his own feelings about porn onto the stars. To me most seem fine. The worst part for them is that they have to live in a society that ostracizes them and mostly look down on them (in public anyway). That's gotta be a hard way to live.
OP should probably just deal with the fact that some people have bodies they're not ashamed of and they like to fuck.

I can guarantee you that women would give it up a lot quicker if they weren't worried about the stigma of being a 'slut' just for liking a good fuck.
I think OP is projecting his own feelings about porn onto the stars. To me most seem fine. The worst part for them is that they have to live in a society that ostracizes them and mostly look down on them (in public anyway). That's gotta be a hard way to live.
OP should probably just deal with the fact that some people have bodies they're not ashamed of and they like to fuck.

I can guarantee you that women would give it up a lot quicker if they weren't worried about the stigma of being a 'slut' just for liking a good fuck.

It's not my personal prejudice or subscription to the virgin/whore dichotomy.

Putting all that aside you can definitely sense something is off with porn stars. Lemme give you a specific example:

When you're talking to a regular girl, it takes a while to warm up to sex. It might not be fast enough for most guys, but the fact that there's this challenge I think primes the pump and builds value in the interaction. When you finally get laid it feels like a challenge.

But there's also this subcommunicated dance between you and the girls. They're shy, they're confused, they're a little on-edge, nervous. It's beautiful in its own way, even when it can be ridiculously frustrating and annoying.

With porn stars there's none of that. They've done it all before, they got no qualms, nothing of value so it comes out so cheap and easy you end up treating it like a vending machine.

I don't know where that video is where this one brown kid went to an adult expo and started chatting up the porn stars walking around. It was depressingly unsexy.

I think part of it comes with sex becoming your day job.

But it's definitely not because I'm prejudiced against em or anything. They are people too and I know it.
Same with strippers.

Sex = job = unsexy sex.... if you're into feelings, personal connection, etc.

Good thing us gaywebmasters don't have to worry about all that.

Well I know we can't help but judge those who are different than us.. but many people are happy as they are even though we'd never be happy in their position.

A porn star might be much happier getting paid for doing porn than being a typical soccer mom, 3 kids, boring job, trying so hard to maintain some excitement and novelty in a subservient monogamous relationship which is doomed to get stale.

Putting all that aside you can definitely sense something is off with porn stars.
That's the point. Some of us don't detect this. This is what YOU detect and it's probably a reflection of your own feelings about them. If you want to know how someone feels about their life then ask them. Then realize most 9 to 5 "normal" people also hate their life.
You're doing it wrong..
Yes, in American-made, mass-produced porn people do look empty and soulless.

To see some genuinely enthusiastic and happy porn-chicks, you need to check out Japanese (JAV) stuff. But to everyone who is following Barman's no-fap challenge, do NOT check out the following site. This stuff will throw any attempt of fapping abstinence out the window....

JAV Torrents -

9000+ movies and counting. You're welcome, fappers!
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But one of the reasons I never enjoyed porn was because everyone in porn looked dead inside. Or worried. Or dreading something. Or just soulless. I don't mean the acting in the scene. I mean the actual people, whose terrible acting couldn't hide their real mood.

Fuck man. Even the women in porn just seem so...empty. I don't know if you ever watched em interviewed on youtube or whatever. Just so fuckin' hollow.

I imagine it's a natural outcome of devaluing your body and your sexuality to virtually nothing by letting the whole world take part in it vicariously for no cost or compensation.

I'm pretty sure selling your body, dignity and shame to the highest bidder has a way of ripping the humanity out of you. You can only hear "Yeah take that dick you little fucking worthless slut of a whore" while 2 horse-dicked men log-jam your asshole so many times before you actually devalue your own self-worth.
You can only hear "Yeah take that dick you little fucking worthless slut of a whore" while 2 horse-dicked men log-jam your asshole so many times before you actually devalue your own self-worth.

Sig quality.
It does make us feel better isn't it imagining those perfect bodies with good fucks we can only dream of (or with viagra) are empty and miserable inside.
It does make us feel better isn't it imagining those perfect bodies with good fucks we can only dream of (or with viagra) are empty and miserable inside.

You need to get out more brotha. Porn stars (with the exception of a few) are some of the ugliest, down trodden, hung up wet, women I have ever seen. So many more better looking, quality women out there who don't let the first guy with $2k shove things into her orifices. Hell, Turbo is way fucking hotter than any porn star I've ever seen. I prefer real women not some plastic-mold-injected gutter slut with permanent cum stains on her face. Fucking disgusting.
That's assuming they are all miserable and empty inside. You have to remember that a lot of these porn stars have alter egos and know how to control their own reality. It's almost like manipulating your senses in a way. One ego being real life people the other, dirty little whores or gay webmasters. When I am in wickedfire mode, I am a dirty gay webmaster, but as soon as I turn the internet off and take a shower, reality changes. The mind is capable of creating any reality you wish, when you know how to manipulate your senses so they become resourceful to you. I believe that's how they appear to be so natural on cam, they are in a customized reality. You can tell which ones aren't tuned in and feel uncomfortable on cam, they haven't figured it out yet.
Anyone wanna go splitsies with me on founding a bird love site? Does anyone know the actual legalities of boinking clucks?
I think the depressing thing for me about porn is, most of these people can't find a better way to pay the bills.

For every Jenna Jameson, there are 1,000 girls doing bukkake scenes for $200.

I realize for some of them, making $400 a day is pretty badass, but their careers only last a couple years at most, and when it is over, what guy really wants to be with an ex-B level pornstar when there are millions of chicks who haven't been jerked off to by ten thousand other guys?

Better yet, who wants to start a family with someone whose kids will get teased at school, "I jerked off to your mom last night, for realz"

I find porn to be boring and a lot of the time, degrading. It's not a reflection of who I aspire to be.