Pop ups

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Does anyone here use pop ups? Do you they convert better than other ads? I don't have any sites where they'd really fit right now, but I was wondering what people's stances are with these.

Ive heard people have good success with them, but I've also heard that things like dhtml pop-ups are better for conversions. Less ad blindness where they automatically close it out.
Tons of them don't pop, and usually tracking of impressions is pretty shoddy.

If you want to save bandwidth by users immediately closing down your site and never returning, this is a quick and easy way of doing it.
After SP2 and recent iterations of IE, popups have been on the way out. However, people DO have codes that get around most blockers (whether add ons or built in). I think it's lame to pop ads on people that have specifically tried to avoid pops by installing blockers/upgrading, etc.
I still think theyll have a place on certain sites - most notably arcade and humor sites where the user is already bombarded with visuals. But on a lot of sites they really just don't work
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