POF Wish List!!!!

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We're pushing for a threshold-type system where you can set something like:

"If my creatives hit _____ impressions and do not exceed __% CTR, creative gets paused"


in addition..

1. CPC bidding

2. dayparting

oh, and chicks who ignore my messages get their POF profile locked for 5 days as punishment.

+1 for keywords or interest targeting (this is a WISH list after all ;))

- by day conversion stats as a quick selection in the main screen as opposed to running a report.. display conversions by creative in a way that's quick to access.
1. Being able to use AMEX without the foreign transaction fee
2. Showing number of conversions for the current day in the home screen.
1. Ability to see ad position in bidding situation with other advertisers. Position #1, #2 etc.
2. Lower bid costs - online advertising is sooooo expensive now and the payouts we get from CPA etc are not increasing plus many conversions are low too. Then again if you only want huge coroporate advertisers and NOT us large army of small affiliates then you will keep ad costs high. But you cant have both. :)
3. CPC bidding
It would be nice if the session times were a bit longer and it didn't log you out every few minutes and that remember me button needs looking at.

Keyword targeting would be great.
Demo & Bid Estimators!! Dayparting would be great too...So would being able to manage our campaigns better, right now with more than 50-100 campaigns it's very busy when looking at my dashboard...We should be able to group!

Otherwise, i think there are a couple suggestions that have been said more than once, all good! Listen to these Ben!!
Ben: targeting by zip code without having to do the 10 mile radius minimum. I'm working with a newer advertiser that doesn't have all of their technology in order and kicks out leads unless the user enters a specific zip code.

There are possibly other advertisers or CPA offers out there that require exact match on zip, so the 10 mi radius is too broad.
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