Please don't run any weekend traffic at all?

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Sinewave, other than the call-center/lead-age explanation that has already been given, another possibility is that the network/advertiser wants to minimize their exposure to fraudulent affiliates. Often times, a fraudulent affiliate will join a new network and begin pushing an offer hard on a late Friday afternoon and through the weekend knowing that things aren't being watched all that closely.

Yeah, it sucks that the end merchant isn't watching 24/7, but in some cases, the end merchant is a smaller shop and doesn't have the manpower to be running compliance around the clock. So they take the safer route and say "no weekend traffic".
Wow thanks everyone for the added insight. Definitely some suggestions I had not considered.

I really appreciate the responses.

There do exist similar offers on other networks that I can run on weekends, which I shall continue to do.

Best wishes.
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