Please don't run any weekend traffic at all?

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New member
Aug 30, 2007
I just joined a network that has quite a few offers in my area of interest. However ALL of them request that traffic NOT be driven on weekends.

Fuck. That's when that market gets busy for me. I'm not trying to whine here, but why not be able to capture weekend traffic (which usually converts really well for me).

you won't get paid if you run weekend traffic for an offer that doesn't allow it

edit: wow I'm captain fucking obvious on this one. talk to your AM maybe?
It's probably because some networks/advertisers want to be able to monitor the traffic and cant over the weekends. I would just hit up your AM or use that offer or a similar one on another network.
you won't get paid if you run weekend traffic for an offer that doesn't allow it

edit: wow I'm captain fucking obvious on this one. talk to your AM maybe?

Yeah I will. I just got accepted late Friday afternoon and intended to add a few of their offers to my current campaigns over the weekend.

Perhaps you could try collecting the leads yourself and selling them somewhere else.

I'm starting to do this for all offers. Duh. Should have been doing it all along too.

Thanks very much for the responses.

It's just that I can't understand completely disallowing weekend traffic. I get that they don't want bigass email drops over a weekend, but disallowing ALL TRAFFIC on weekends? hmph.
They will still credit you for traffic on the weekends as long as you sent that traffic out before hand. Like if you do an email drop on Thursday and you get some conversions on Saturday and Sunday your still going to get credit.

Not sure if thats obvious or if you knew that but just letting you know.
It's probably because some networks/advertisers want to be able to monitor the traffic and cant over the weekends. I would just hit up your AM or use that offer or a similar one on another network.

I completely understand that they want to monitor and aren't available on the weekends. However when certain events occur or if that traffic responds better on weekends for various reasons, it just ties my hands.

If they insist on brick n mortar hours, why bother pretending to be deployed online at all?

They will still credit you for traffic on the weekends as long as you sent that traffic out before hand. Like if you do an email drop on Thursday and you get some conversions on Saturday and Sunday your still going to get credit.

Not sure if thats obvious or if you knew that but just letting you know.

Good to know. I'm not sure it was obvious to me either, so I appreciate the input.

Just frustrating.
Thanks everyone for your answers.
I completely understand that they want to monitor and aren't available on the weekends. However when certain events occur or if that traffic responds better on weekends for various reasons, it just ties my hands.

If they insist on brick n mortar hours, why bother pretending to be deployed online at all?

Good to know. I'm not sure it was obvious to me either, so I appreciate the input.

Just frustrating.
Thanks everyone for your answers.

Sometimes advertisers dislike traffic on the weekends because it doesn't back out for them. We had that same kind of cap. You might see this from financial niches.
or..sounds like they are lead capped out...

Perhaps. I'd not thought of that. I run boring stuff though, nothing too frothy in terms of big fads or online stampedes. It works for me ... if I can run the traffic when I choose.

Thanks again.
i like how your network/AM assumes you're in control, as if they forgot to even consider organic traffic.

That's why I was questioning (albeit facetiously) why they even bother with an online presence at all if they're unable to come up with a responsive solution offhours.

If they really need to keep to office hours, why not just open a brick n mortar office? Or a newspaper kiosk in Midtown?
Fuck. That's when that market gets busy for me. I'm not trying to whine here, but why not be able to capture weekend traffic (which usually converts really well for me).

Perhaps the folks running the offer know that the offer does well on the weekend and they want the playing field for themselves? Makes sense to me - if the highest ROI is on the weekends I would want to save the weekend for my inhouse team as well.

This is assuming of course they have an in-house team...
most of you have obviously never sold leads and dealt with balancing 40+ buyers who are not in the office Sat/Sun and therefore do not want to receive any mortgage/debt/loanmod/etc leads as contact rates plummet if you don't get to the person soon after they filled out the form.

Not taking weekend traffic for something like this is very common.
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