PhpStorm - Best PHP IDE


New member
Oct 5, 2007
I've got to rave about this IDE, I see no posts in WF about it yet. It costs $100 but there's a 30 day trial to check it out. (Download PhpStorm :: The most intelligent PHP IDE)

I used to code in vim on the shell which was good but phpstorm is a step-up. I use it by setting up a local project and downloading files from my FTP server and then enabling automatic upload so local file changes are FTP'd to the server. You can also use it with GitHub and other VCS's.

Here's a breakdown of the features nicked from StackOverflow:
  • You can set it up to autocomplete MySql (and I suppose other SQL dialect) queries if your database accepts access from your IP - yes, table and column names, inspections etc.
  • It supports smarty v3 and .htaccess syntax and autocompletion for both.
  • Features a plugin "CSS-X-Fire" that lets you apply css changes you made in firebug - to the apropriate CSS files in your project.
  • Some helpful refactoring features like introduce variable or extract method.
  • Ctrl+click on a css class in HTML brings up the css declaration in the css file - and that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to CSS/HTML integration in the ide: you can see applied css rules for any element for example and much more.
  • Best keyboard support I've ever seen, additionally, indentation, parenthesis insertion and similar features are nearly perfect - heaps better than any editor I've tried. Features many time saving text alteration shortcuts and there's a VIM emulator for the hardcore geeks too.
  • Also, as mentioned below, a unique and immensely helpful shortcut is CTRL+W which selects the word under the cursor and pressing it again the selection is expanded to the next wider PHP construct. I rarely ever use the mouse anymore and had to disable CTRL+W shortcut in firefox (as it closes the tab and I use it sometimes accidentally :))
    This is worth the price alone, use it for a week and try and you'll wonder how you managed without it
  • File name completion in require-like statements, warnings of non existing files used anywhere.
  • Basic array key completion (constantly improving).
  • Excellent support from the developers, most if not all of the filed tickets in their tracker are solved or implemented asap.
  • CSS completion for previously used colors.
  • Quick Documentation Lookup for jQuery (hotkey to go directly from code to online documentation for selected method, works for inbuilt PHP functions too).
  • Having recently tried out some other IDEs, I can add that it has the easiest way to start development on an existing project - especially if you're new: File->Open directory and you're ready to go.
  • Inbuilt diff viewer; for example you can select some text and compare it to your clipboard contents, compare to the deployed (=uploaded) version of the file and of course all VCS'ses makes use of it too.
  • Right click on the line number->annotate and you can see the last change to each line of code as well as it's author and other information. Furthermore, each change since the last commit has a gutter, upon clicking which you are presented with every change made there with options to revert that one change, copy previous contents etc.
  • Quick documentation popups are really fast and convenient and can tell you loads of info about any construct, variable or method. It even shows the schema and first ten rows if you invoke it on a database table in an SQL statement.

Right, enough dick sucking, it sounds like I'm connected with the software but I'm not. It's just unreal, try it for the 30 days and you'll be hooked.

'course, just Make other HTTP requests to yourself via CURL or similar, thus piggybacking on your web servers multi-processing capacity. Elegant and simple. Problem?

But seriously, I'm not getting into a PHP vs ROR/python debate, if you're coding in PHP, check out PHPStorm. They've a similiar product using the same base IDE at Ruby on Rails IDE :: JetBrains RubyMine, looks very similiar, probably great as well.
Integrated UML Modeler and Auto Duplicate code detection looks cool.
did I explicitly compare that to Ruby, nub? Keep trying to troll though, it good entertainment.

No, but you implied it. There's also not many things a web app needs multi-threading for. lol @ people who think scrapers are web apps
How often do you really need multi-threading?

And for the times you do, Perl is about 5,345,236 times better than RoR for threading.

Ditto... PHP is a true Multi-Threaded non-linear coding platform is comparable to trying to make a car one 1 wheel :),... guys at facebook have managed it after some true hackery once they realised how big they are and they got stuck with stupid PHP :p