Just got my site design and man it rocks. Very happy with the final results. Can't wait to get help with the other projects on my plate right now.
Its nice to finally find someone who is not flaky. Most designers I have worked with over the years just seem to start getting flaky after a short period of time. Ryan is in this for the long haul and his communication and work product prove it.
Thanks for the great review

looking for a black smoke type design, pm me links of things youve done if you have this capability.
I have PM'd you, i am more than capable of doing the design....
plz pm me your skype id or msn id so that i may give you the details for my requirement....
I have PM'd the IM details over:
Skye- photoshop.designer
Msn- Photoshop_designer@live.co.uk
Couple more:
Yahoo- photoshopdesigner@ymail.com
Aim- Adobedesigner08