Hi Ryan
Thanks for the previous work, it was excellent as usual, just read your comments about your network coverage, can you IM me when your back online as i have some more work for you.
Cool man, glad to know things are cool. I need the current psd file you have asap and we can do the final revision as you catch up.
well....i am gonna give you a try....but i wanna be specific on what you use is it adobe or some thing else like imageonic or apple....be specific
ordered 2 headers and got 2 great ones in the mail within 24 hours. great deal, great designs and great timing.
I can only assume you do vectored logos?
If so I'm very interested in a logo design, can you pm me with some price ranges?
Ryan is a wicked person to work with. Has time for you to get you to where you want to be, have used him before and no doubt will again.
Epic job. What is that, 8 hour turn around? thanks
PM me your pricing and turnaround time for banners please...
Could you PM me prices and some examples of your work please, I'm looking for a site layout, logo and a couple of banners. Ta.
I need a logo designed for my website ramikabar.com
my skype name is ramikabar
How much will it cost?