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Oct 19, 2011
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Had success last post.

PLEASE READ EVERY DETAIL; These are Legitimate blogs I have owned since domain's launched.

I need 10 blogroll links sponsors for my 4 sites. These are soley owned and operated by me.

Site's involved are very HIGH QUALITY. THE PR3 & PR4 are worth this price alone. These are Personal Blogs I update throughout week and have ran/owned since their beginning.

1 Yr blogroll links on all 4 blogs for $365 ( $1 per day total // .25cents each daily ).

Only 10 blogroll links packages for sale and no more will be sold for the year. This is 1000's of links on hundreds of pages with pagerank.

No pharmacy/seo/casino/adult links. Sorry. Too many sites are getting 'blues' over these now.

Information on sites below:

PR4 -
-over 1400 unique HTML pages // Hundreds of PR1-PR5 pages
- Google News site
Domain Authority : 40
Page Authority (root): 47

PR3 -
-over 1200 unique HTML pages // hundreds of PR1-PR3 pages
Domain Authority : 36
Page Authority (root): 46

PR2 -
-over 200 unique HTML pages // several PR1-Pr2 pages
Domain Authority : 20
Page Authority (root): 33

PR2 -
- Linked to from a website with a Domain Authority of 72
Domain Authority: 23
Page Authority (root): 33

Again... Price.... $365.... 1 Year.. that's the equivalent of .25cents daily per blog. All domains are between 2 Yrs to 6 Yrs Old.

Blogroll links are on side navigation panels. PM me for site links.

1) I dont hide anything.
2) I answer your questions with facts.
3) If anything I say is false, I work with you or refund ( your choice ).
4) I've been on this forum over a Year and only had 1 'fault' of mine and refunds were given [ check with Charto911 / Casino is currently being processed a refund because partners went sour ] . I'm man enough to admit and clients will tell you, I dont dissappear.
5) I generally will work with you even if something goes wrong to find a resolve.

Two Reviews Offered. 100+ posts. Must leave Review on post of websites & confirm links posted.

20% off or $73 off
$292 total.
I'll let My FEEDBACK speak for itself.

I'll let customers who've previously purchased speak for me.

Read the last post by me on that previous post when you read that post. Clarity. 1 of 8 buyers.
Creator - you sold me a PR8 blogroll that turned to shit within 7 days. This is my response to your assertions that everything you sell is legit.

1. I'm not in business to sell links or provide SEO to other sites. I am a consumer - ie all links purchased are for my own consumption - my own sites.

2. I'm not an expert in blackhat SEO. Until yesterday I had absolutely no idea that you could fake PR simply by doing a 301 redirect TO a high PR site. I now believe that you can and this is what was done by the OP.

3. I purchased the blogroll link on the basis that it was a valid PR8 site not a fake PR8. His thread stated "This is no spoof. This is no redirect. This is a legit PR8." The Op told me however "It was a redirect for a few month in early 2010 (2 years ago) but was split into it's own blog." But I did not realize that what he was effectively saying was "we did a redirect for a few months so that we could fake / bump its PR." Further research on shows that the site was actually redirecting to the high PR site (PR8) in 2011 - so not just "for a few months early in 2010".

4. The OP has also stated that the site was PR8 before the redirect and after. I seriously doubt it was a PR8 before hand - unless he is referring to doing the 301 redirect several times ... each time it gains the PR8 in its own right - he then sells links on it ... before Google reverts it to its natural PR.

5. The site is littered with crap casino links. When I checked the links originally I did a visual of the link title - but did not actually check the link urls. Almost 100% of the casino related links have education related titles - so at first glance it was in line with the niche I wanted to have my own link in. I should have checked more here. This however is not my main issue. My main issue is the fake / bumped nature of the PR. And the fact that within 7 days of purchase it was back down to a PR5.

6. Creator conned me out of $200. Had I realized that the site had its PR bumped in that way (via the redirect) I would never have purchased it.

Its been a relatively expensive lesson in "Let the buyer beware" and how to fake PR.

I've been a Wickedfire member since 2009 and have purchased lots of services from other members. The vast majority of the suppliers I have used have provided a great service. During this time I been very disappointed with the service provided on only 2 occasions and have reflected that with -ve iTraders. This is one of them!

The other service provider (and also the only other member to give me a -ve iTrader) disappeared from the site about 2 years ago!
I conned you out of nothing.

at the time of purchase, here's what the site was and i am quoting you:
Purchased a PR8 blogroll from Creator and link added as promised. OBL about 46. Google appears to have 148 pages indexed. Just waiting now to see some positive SERPS movement.

Anyone can read the post and see I say I sold the links on a partnered/contracted site as a part of 'blogroll services' .That's what I do on the side beyond my own websites; if I find good deals to resale // Same as TenCentPiece & others.

Site got penalized because of casino/adult/finance links.

Now, Instead of being an A$$hole and telling PSk10 to kick rocks, I asked him multiple times... how can we remedy this.. He ignored.

At this point, since you're trolling my posts. I'm stopping any attempts to aid you.

You're a liar. You have multiple accounts on Wickedfire. And You're dilllusional. Seriously. Your aim isn't even to get a resolve/help because if that were the case you would have responded to my 3 or 4 requests.

Your habit is to ignore people and what's posted. Expect something that's not posted by seller. Then try to place blame. It's clear through all of your posts. Piercing, but in real life, I bet a lot of people dont like you because of this. I study the psychology of people. As creatures of habits, you're very easy to see as an unlikeable character.

Now.. moving on, I'm selling posts on a personal blog and moving on from you.

And the 20+ people I've served on WickedFire beyond you, will continue to buy. Why? Because I do good business and I post everything factually accurate.

God Bless.

PS: Is this why you have lik 4 negatives to my 1 from you?
This is no spoof. This is no redirect. This is a legit PR8.

Sure thing .... just like the other PR8 blogroll being touted on this site by gearmonkey at the moment.

Read the last post by me on that previous post when you read that post. Clarity. 1 of 8 buyers.
Really? When I checked you've iTrades from 4 different buyers - including me. The rest were from people you bought from.

You're a liar. You have multiple accounts on Wickedfire.

I'm certainly not a liar. What about you? Maybe its you that has more than one identity on the site. Are you a 301 redirect from gearmonkey by any chance?

I only have one ID here. I've no need to hide behind any redirect or spoof ID - PSK10 is a legit ID. More than I can say for your PR8 blogroll.

PS: Is this why you have lik 4 negatives to my 1 from you?

Do you have a problem with numbers? Last time I checked I had 2 -ve's. The other one - just like the one you left me was in direct response from the op to me giving him a -ve iTrader. And as Ive already stated - that OP was offering a crap service and disappeared 2 years ago!

I'm now going to STFU and get on with my life. You should do the same.
LOL this post is dead. Where do I get my refund?

Kill the Ignorance of this board I suggest or a lot of chargebacks will happen.

I am having fun with this clown at this point. My words resinate in your mind b/c you know im right. EAT THE TRUTH. Cold Dish.

All of that is irrelevant. What fraud asks you 3 or 4 times to find a resolution? LOL if people can't see that takes me out the fraud box all togethor, I dont know what does.

All blogs i sell are legit. And the site was not a redirect at the itme of selling nor months before. Stop trying to take irrelevant parts of a post and rearrange. LOL U been watching too much reality TV. That's not believable out of context.

be sure to read this earlier SUCCESSFUL post too OF MINE.. Creator....:

Charto911 confirms buying a blogpost on the site years ago. LOL Guess you're still saying it was a redirect huH?

Charto911, a veteran of the board lying too? LOL

PS: Every client on wickedfire does not leave feedback. High Five to the Loser That's REACHING SOOO HARD but just dont make it.

Creator - you sold me a PR8 blogroll that turned to shit within 7 days. This is my response to your assertions that everything you sell is legit.

1. I'm not in business to sell links or provide SEO to other sites. I am a consumer - ie all links purchased are for my own consumption - my own sites.

2. I'm not an expert in blackhat SEO. Until yesterday I had absolutely no idea that you could fake PR simply by doing a 301 redirect TO a high PR site. I now believe that you can and this is what was done by the OP.

3. I purchased the blogroll link on the basis that it was a valid PR8 site not a fake PR8. His thread stated "This is no spoof. This is no redirect. This is a legit PR8." The Op told me however "It was a redirect for a few month in early 2010 (2 years ago) but was split into it's own blog." But I did not realize that what he was effectively saying was "we did a redirect for a few months so that we could fake / bump its PR." Further research on shows that the site was actually redirecting to the high PR site (PR8) in 2011 - so not just "for a few months early in 2010".

4. The OP has also stated that the site was PR8 before the redirect and after. I seriously doubt it was a PR8 before hand - unless he is referring to doing the 301 redirect several times ... each time it gains the PR8 in its own right - he then sells links on it ... before Google reverts it to its natural PR.

5. The site is littered with crap casino links. When I checked the links originally I did a visual of the link title - but did not actually check the link urls. Almost 100% of the casino related links have education related titles - so at first glance it was in line with the niche I wanted to have my own link in. I should have checked more here. This however is not my main issue. My main issue is the fake / bumped nature of the PR. And the fact that within 7 days of purchase it was back down to a PR5.

6. Creator conned me out of $200. Had I realized that the site had its PR bumped in that way (via the redirect) I would never have purchased it.

Its been a relatively expensive lesson in "Let the buyer beware" and how to fake PR.

I've been a Wickedfire member since 2009 and have purchased lots of services from other members. The vast majority of the suppliers I have used have provided a great service. During this time I been very disappointed with the service provided on only 2 occasions and have reflected that with -ve iTraders. This is one of them!

The other service provider (and also the only other member to give me a -ve iTrader) disappeared from the site about 2 years ago!
Sounds like this was recent. Why not just get your money back? Is Creator not offering that as an option?
7 Packages Remaining.

$365 for 4 blogroll links, 365 days of the year.

These are HQ blogroll links. Active SItes. THe smallest PR2 website, has a POPULAR celebrity website with a Domain Authority of 72 linking to it.

After some issues with this provider, I think I can vouch for him.

I purchased 2 blogrolls for him for around $500. Due to some shit happening with the blog, it wasn't exactly what we agreed for when I paid after 2-3 days and we kinda discussed about a refund. We agreed on a full refund.

The provider seems to be newer to the business and this might be one reason why it took him quite a while to send a full refund. Actually the refund was split in 2 payments. But I got the full amount back.

From what I can tell you is that I had doubts if the guy is legit at the beginning and must admit that I was looking for some other way to get the money back and/or a paypal dispute. Just hours ago I noticed he refunded as promised.

Even if the providers took quite a while to do it, in fact, shows he's legit - exception nowadays when it comes to blogrolls. Vouch from me.
After some issues with this provider, I think I can vouch for him.

I purchased 2 blogrolls for him for around $500. Due to some shit happening with the blog, it wasn't exactly what we agreed for when I paid after 2-3 days and we kinda discussed about a refund. We agreed on a full refund.

The provider seems to be newer to the business and this might be one reason why it took him quite a while to send a full refund. Actually the refund was split in 2 payments. But I got the full amount back.

From what I can tell you is that I had doubts if the guy is legit at the beginning and must admit that I was looking for some other way to get the money back and/or a paypal dispute. Just hours ago I noticed he refunded as promised.

Even if the providers took quite a while to do it, in fact, shows he's legit - exception nowadays when it comes to blogrolls. Vouch from me.

thanks Casino. Appreciate the vouch.

I definitely take pride in having a long-standing good reputation of doing business online since 2002 ( whether that's publicly known or not ). I upgraded my business model with our business relationship, learned a few things about how people prefer refunds and possible 'kinks' in the process I can now eliminate.

People on this forum trolling are a joke to me. To say i'm not legit is beyond me because the first thing I ask is 'what would you like to do to resolve it?" .. refund or exchange for other links.

However, for those who choose to miss my services because of Ignorance of the boards, a personal choice. You're losing great deals and they will never find another blogroll service that gives you SECURITY in your purchase & low priced Quality blogs.

No other blog service will take the time to get your refund if the blog's a bust .... eliminatinig you having any frustrations. And if I can't get a refund through security, I will still refund you myself.
Last chance on this blog deal. I have 5 links left. Let me know if interested. I have two PR0s to throw in the deal that are sure to develop this year.
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