Permanent Portfolio - Thoughts?

Any thoughts on Gold ETFs like GLD?

I have some doubts about them. However, I think Sprott Physical Bullion Trust is probably the best one since it's all physical gold (symbol: PHYS).

Trust Highlights - Sprott Physical Gold Trust - Sprott Physical Bullion Trusts

They have allocated storage in Canada and are open to inspections. Also, if you're an American there are tax advantages when you sell your shares. I have some of their physical gold and silver in a Health Savings Account where I can't own physical gold directly.

I have done well trading GDX during the QE rally.

I have some doubts about them. However, I think Sprott Physical Bullion Trust is probably the best one since it's all physical gold (symbol: PHYS).

Trust Highlights - Sprott Physical Gold Trust - Sprott Physical Bullion Trusts

They have allocated storage in Canada and are open to inspections. Also, if you're an American there are tax advantages when you sell your shares. I have some of their physical gold and silver in a Health Savings Account where I can't own physical gold directly.

Dude are you mental?

A person in your state of mind is probably better off storing guns and canned beans than gold.

yah the whole country is gonna collapse and the govmint wont let you withdraw your precious shiny gold. tell me einstein, in a condition of total societal collapse who the fuck is going to want your damn gold?
Dude are you mental?

A person in your state of mind is probably better off storing guns and canned beans than gold.

yah the whole country is gonna collapse and the govmint wont let you withdraw your precious shiny gold. tell me einstein, in a condition of total societal collapse who the fuck is going to want your damn gold?

Where exactly did I mention total societal collapse? FWIW, I am armed to the teeth.
Dude are you mental?

A person in your state of mind is probably better off storing guns and canned beans than gold.

yah the whole country is gonna collapse and the govmint wont let you withdraw your precious shiny gold. tell me einstein, in a condition of total societal collapse who the fuck is going to want your damn gold?

Do you think every society in the world is going to collapse at the same time? If the US goes to shit I can take my gold and go to another country and exchange it for local currency.
Do you think every society in the world is going to collapse at the same time? If the US goes to shit I can take my gold and go to another country and exchange it for local currency.

If the U.S economy collapses, then the rest of the world will go through a shit storm.
If the U.S economy collapses, then the rest of the world will go through a shit storm.

But there will always be someone to take our place and I will bet I can use my gold there. No collapse of any civilization in history has led to a total collapse of the world and I doubt the collapse of the USA will be any different.
Fuck you faggots and all your hard assets.

Aquire skillz, knowledge, and weaponry that doesn't require manufactured supplies and practice using it.

Think about what an attractive barter currency would actually be in the event of a total meltdown. Metals? Nah.

The ability to hotwire a jeep and suck fuel out of an underground storage tank would be far more valuable.

Come at me bros.
Fuck you faggots and all your hard assets.

Aquire skillz, knowledge, and weaponry that doesn't require manufactured supplies and practice using it.

Think about what an attractive barter currency would actually be in the event of a total meltdown. Metals? Nah.

The ability to hotwire a jeep and suck fuel out of an underground storage tank would be far more valuable.

Come at me bros.

I've got a bot that does that.

Come at me bro.
I heard a strategy, I think it was called cycle or super cycle or something like that, where you shift into stocks, gold, bonds, (maybe something else I forget) whenever that asset class is relatively low. When the asset class is relatively high you sell it and move into another one that is relatively low. And you just continue that forever. Basically, buy low and then sell high.

But I'm too scared to attempt anything other than 100% stocks with the money I want to invest. Too afraid that my timing will be off or something and will result in under performance.

With the permanent portfolio I would be afraid of the same thing. Look at that huge difference at year 1999.
But there will always be someone to take our place and I will bet I can use my gold there. No collapse of any civilization in history has led to a total collapse of the world and I doubt the collapse of the USA will be any different.

Start reading you stupid little fuckbag, and tell me how good times were globally for, Oh, HUNDREDS OF YEARS after the Roman Empire imploded.

God, your avatar fits.