Permanent Portfolio - Thoughts?

1. It's not an indicator at all. Current markets are.
2. No, it does not, because it's based on nothing.


Do you even lift?

Can ppl with 2 brain cells to rub together weigh in?
c4yrslf12 - i think the root of this question is really "does anyone think this method is good" which in reality is "i want to find a good method".

If your not able to contribute to the what he is really asking, then your just taking the opposite view without any backup to your claims as well.

How about providing the OP with a working method, even if based on current markets?
c4yrslf12 - i think the root of this question is really "does anyone think this method is good" which in reality is "i want to find a good method".

If your not able to contribute to the what he is really asking, then your just taking the opposite view without any backup to your claims as well.

How about providing the OP with a working method, even if based on current markets?

A working method is a constantly changing one. Because markets are ever changing, why would anyone subject themselves to a permanent plan? This thought process creates a fallacy from the get go.

"does anyone think this method is good" -- I would say no. While it has a basic fundamental use of diversification, it's irrelevant without change.

"i want to find a good method" -- every single persons "method" will be completely different because every single person has different investing risks, time horizons, goals and objectives, and amounts of money.

Learn about asset allocation, future tax diversification, and hedging.
Let me ask you Eric...
1. time horizon?
2. function?
3. risk tolerance?
4. tax purpose?
5. how do you feel about inflation?
6. how do you feel about interest rates?
7. how do you feel about foreign markets?
8. how much access are you willing to forego?
Gold has been down every month since its highpoint in September. It is waiting for the next QE announcement. :)
Just buy some gold each month. That's my permanent portfolio and it lets me sleep at night. If you buy gold, take delivery.

Where do you buy your gold? And I'm assuming you store it in a safe deposit box that's insured? Or do you keep it in a vault in a swiss bank high in the alps? :)
Where do you buy your gold? And I'm assuming you store it in a safe deposit box that's insured? Or do you keep it in a vault in a swiss bank high in the alps? :)

I buy mine from Apmex. I don't store it in safe deposit box. I think that's risky, especially if the gov't declares bank holidays. Also, in places like California, the state can seize your box if you don't make contact with the bank for a few years, EVEN if you're paying the fees. Imagine having to file paperwork to get your property back if they haven't already sold it off.

I recommend storing some gold in the country and the rest outside of the country. You don't need much space to store/hide your gold. Get creative.
I buy mine from Apmex. I don't store it in safe deposit box. I think that's risky, especially if the gov't declares bank holidays. Also, in places like California, the state can seize your box if you don't make contact with the bank for a few years, EVEN if you're paying the fees. Imagine having to file paperwork to get your property back if they haven't already sold it off.

I recommend storing some gold in the country and the rest outside of the country. You don't need much space to store/hide your gold. Get creative.
Any thoughts on Gold ETFs like GLD?
I have read about the Permanent Portfolio before. Seems like a solid alternative for your average joe to invest in instead of mutual funds or whatever people who don't want to deal with investing do.

Certainly the major strength of this method is simply safety and keeping your capital from major loss. However, the other edge of the sword is that you're not going to realize amazing gains.

So it really depends on what your goal is. If you're looking to go full mGrunin and shoot for high returns then this method is not for you.

If you're looking for a safe place to put a nestegg for the long term and not have to worry about stock market fluctuations or learning about investing, then I'd recommend it for sure.
Any thoughts on Gold ETFs like GLD?

I have some doubts about them. However, I think Sprott Physical Bullion Trust is probably the best one since it's all physical gold (symbol: PHYS).

Trust Highlights - Sprott Physical Gold Trust - Sprott Physical Bullion Trusts

They have allocated storage in Canada and are open to inspections. Also, if you're an American there are tax advantages when you sell your shares. I have some of their physical gold and silver in a Health Savings Account where I can't own physical gold directly.