Payday Loans

Theory of mind time. Let's imagine we're Google.

What are we striving to accomplish?

Of course, in an ideal world, there would be ZERO spam.

But what if we could limit bad spam to say, 0.5% of searches.

Would that be pretty good?

From our perspective, we see spam constantly because many people in the IM industry do it, and know what it looks like. That said, put 10 of your IRL friends in front of search results and ask them to spot spam results, and they will probably be completely lost.

Those people make up the bulk of Google's users, not us. Which is why you can still spam Google and end users are none the wiser.

As you optimize, you actually start to get diminishing returns.

In other words, it's probably easier technically for Google to get from 20% spam to 10% than it is to get from 0.5% spam to 0.4% spam. Low hanging fruit, larger signatures for greater classes of bads etc.

Google doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be very good.

Sure stuff will slip through. Some of that may even be acceptable (in terms of optimization results) to Google.

It's probably not a good idea to develop a confirmation bias (Turkey problem) that slipping through is because we're smart. It can just as easily be because Google can't justify the effort and time to stop it.

After all, payday loan searches are a minute set of all searches performed daily.

SEO discussions are always interesting.

The perspective used to be, you exploited holes until they closed, and the reason they were open wasn't because we were smarter than Google, just more agile. Google didn't roll out substantive serp updates regularly.

Somewhere along this line this narrative that SEOs are smarter than Google took hold, and now people believe that Google, which has dedicated teams, hardware, big data and the smartest minds in the world are being beat on the knowledge front by geniuses in the IM community who don't wear pants and smoke dope all day.

I find some of your stuff to be rather sententious [Mostly the stuff you've clearly read/know about where I do not] but this is an excellent post, as is the subsequent one. :thumbsup:
Well I am just about to take off for a few days... Vegas Baby!

But this has me thinking... would it be fun to set up a contest? Funny ways to rank "Matt Cutts" in searches, like "Weight Loss with Matt Cutts" "Matt Cutts Penis Enlargement system" you get the picture. I think this would be a blast to see all the results... I would almost bet Bing would sponsor this sort of thing :bootyshake:
^ I don't think that it's a good idea to condescend Matt Cutts or Google in this way.

It definitely does nothing at all to help your business out.
^ I don't think that it's a good idea to condescend Matt Cutts or Google in this way.

It definitely does nothing at all to help your business out.

What all work and no play? This could be a blast if it gets rolling. And it can help sharpen your seo skills so it does help your business. Why not do testing with a "Matt Cutts Coupons" site?
We all know what it takes to rank and bank. I don't know that making a mockery after him is that much fun anymore. Why don't we send him some more flowers instead. I feel like Matt actually likes wickedfire more than any of the other marketing forums...Not because we spam better but because we're gay community.
Well I am just about to take off for a few days... Vegas Baby!

But this has me thinking... would it be fun to set up a contest? Funny ways to rank "Matt Cutts" in searches, like "Weight Loss with Matt Cutts" "Matt Cutts Penis Enlargement system" you get the picture. I think this would be a blast to see all the results... I would almost bet Bing would sponsor this sort of thing :bootyshake:

Oh, so you mean compete to see who can defame / misrepresent mr cutts in the best way? Sounds like a grand idea, that definitely won't get you sued.