Payday Loans


Jun 10, 2012

Pretty good I thought :xmas-smiley-010:

inb4 three page discussion over "outing"

I meant people doing this kinda stuff. It's funny and all that, and discussion of it is exploding everywhere. All it does though is raise awareness of payday spam, and increases the need for Google to do stuff about it due to complaint volumes, etc, plus adds another X people who are looking at the payday SERPs every day.

All in all it's a pretty stupid thing for someone who actually pushes payday loans to be doing.
I meant people doing this kinda stuff. It's funny and all that, and discussion of it is exploding everywhere. All it does though is raise awareness of payday spam, and increases the need for Google to do stuff about it due to complaint volumes, etc, plus adds another X people who are looking at the payday SERPs every day.

All in all it's a pretty stupid thing for someone who actually pushes payday loans to be doing.
I meant people doing this kinda stuff. It's funny and all that, and discussion of it is exploding everywhere. All it does though is raise awareness of payday spam, and increases the need for Google to do stuff about it due to complaint volumes, etc, plus adds another X people who are looking at the payday SERPs every day.

All in all it's a pretty stupid thing for someone who actually pushes payday loans to be doing.

Pretty sure they did this because Cutts specifically said they would be actively working on fixing the spam results problem for that keyword. What better way to throw some egg on his face.
Pretty sure they did this because Cutts specifically said they would be actively working on fixing the spam results problem for that keyword. What better way to throw some egg on his face.

Yeah, I know why they've done it. "Stick it to Cutts" and all that. It's just a poor business decision IMO, why bring more heat onto the niche that clearly you have an ability to rank in. A niche where #1 is literally worth $10k a day.

Thousands of people are going to be aware of payday spam that never were thanks to this. They can't compete or anything, but it's another load of people to report your sites, track your backlinks, analyse how you're ranking & make blogposts about it, send angry emails to cutts... You see where I'm going.

I don't do anything in payday, so don't really care, but I'm sure the people that do compete in it find this kind of attention damn annoying. Unfortunately all too many blackhat "seo Gods" think they're invincible.
Pretty sure they did this because Cutts specifically said they would be actively working on fixing the spam results problem for that keyword. What better way to throw some egg on his face.

It was a given that's why he did it but not the point. Find something that works after one of the biggest serp shakeups Google has pulled off in some time, then make it as obvious as possible to the very person who would change things to stop it working, makes no sense. Arrogance over sense and as the above poster said potentially messing it up for others trying to work out the new algo in this niche.
Yeah, I know why they've done it. "Stick it to Cutts" and all that. It's just a poor business decision IMO, why bring more heat onto the niche that clearly you have an ability to rank in. A niche where #1 is literally worth $10k a day.

Thousands of people are going to be aware of payday spam that never were thanks to this. They can't compete or anything, but it's another load of people to report your sites, track your backlinks, analyse how you're ranking & make blogposts about it, send angry emails to cutts... You see where I'm going.

I don't do anything in payday, so don't really care, but I'm sure the people that do compete in it find this kind of attention damn annoying. Unfortunately all too many blackhat "seo Gods" think they're invincible.

It was a given that's why he did it but not the point. Find something that works after one of the biggest serp shakeups Google has pulled off in some time, then make it as obvious as possible to the very person who would change things to stop it working, makes no sense. Arrogance over sense and as the above poster said potentially messing it up for others trying to work out the new algo in this niche.

I understand what you guys are saying but I don't get why you guys are expecting altruism from a bunch of payday loans spammers. It's one thing to expect them to have enough sense to not ruin their own business methods but to expect them to not want to ruin a good thing for others seems a little unreasonable.
I don't do anything in payday, so don't really care, but I'm sure the people that do compete in it find this kind of attention damn annoying. Unfortunately all too many blackhat "seo Gods" think they're invincible.

Anyone who competes in payday with SEO shouldn't be annoyed -- they should expect this. If they are annoyed they should target a less spammy industry.
Just check the serps, any niche that gets volume + high CPC's is filled with spam, not just payday loans. Most spam sites will last 2-4 months at the top and then get nuked, but when your pulling x,xxx+ a day it's worth it.