Pay Per Install AffiliatesSssSSss...

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New member
Aug 24, 2006
I'm looking for a pay-per-install affiliate....did some research, found out about Zangocash, but it got some negative reviews. another one was yazzle, but that doesnt pay as much as zangocash.

can anyone share their experiences with these types of affiliates or suggest other pay per install agencies?

I've had some success with the AdSense GooglePack... pays $2.00 per install, not a bad deal, and not hard to convince people to install considering that it is google after all.

I also remember a thread on WMW a while back, where some guy had created a "special page" that was "only accessible by firefox" with an AdSense Referral link to download Firefox. Interesting concept, seem like a lot of work to implement though.
never heard of google pack before - I am wondering if you could somehow work that in like Zangocash in's "How to make $100/day", using screensavers, games, etc... Thoughts?
never heard of google pack before - I am wondering if you could somehow work that in like Zangocash in's "How to make $100/day", using screensavers, games, etc... Thoughts?

that post is what made me start this thread. i have ideas for a screen savers and some pretty cool applications developed by some of the programmers here at work... the idea to make 100 bones a day is pretty cool, the only thing stopping me is the pay-per-install part.

google pack sounds nice, will look into it
haha- you can do something like this

Google Pack Download: Free Google-Pack Beta Download

that site comes up as the only ad in google when you search for "Google Pack"

after a quick scan of google pack, i dont think this software is what im looking for. Google is offering their software. i want to be able to .zip my own SOFTWARE or SCREENSAVER and when someone goes to install it, i get paid per install.

any other suggestions? (thanks AIM for your suggestion)
Actually, one of the suggestion in the bluehat thread was to include a batch that starts IE with a webpage of your choice.

Then cash in on that.

off topic but, what you guys be willing to spend on a "really really really really kick ass screen saver", complete with interactivity and xml driven type content. (lol it almost sorta doesnt seem like a screen saver anymore)

i was checking out some other sites that they're charing like $14.95 for like a winterscene background with an XML clock ... lol.. without tooting my own horn too much, i think i can create something more dope than a winterscene background with a clock.

if i were to take the eCommerce route and just put it into a downloadable shopping cart and charge like $1.99 for a ""really really really really kick ass screen saver" would you think this would be profitable?

i just found that the pay-per-click way was way more easier, but didnt want to deal with all that 'affiliate hijacking' and 'adware,spyware' crap
Judging from the shareware / indie game market, you need to charge more.

Make it 19.99 and people pay, make it less than 5 and people pass.

Judging from the shareware / indie game market, you need to charge more.

Make it 19.99 and people pay, make it less than 5 and people pass.


interesting.... you would think that people would be getting a deal on a screen-saver if it was only $1.99! i'll take that into account.
I was hanging around some shareware forums and this one guy actually TESTED THE BITCH! :)bowdown: chris)

He made his game available for 5$, later sold the game for 12.99 up to 19.99.

His findings where that for 5$ almost NO ONE bought the game, he actually TRIPLED the numbers with 12.99$ and they kept the same for 19.99$.

general reasoning was like this:

5$ (or less) This isn't worth the disk space / download time / 5 bucks.
12.99$ Seems to be worth something, Still in the realm of "good price" but entering "high value goods" area.
19.99$ Max point for "Good value for the buck"

So if you develop a bitchin' screen saver, make 'em pay.

Zangocash used to pretty good they've been revising their programs lately and are not nearly as useful as they used to be. They don't do the bundle the same way they used to. It used to be a straight attachment into the .exe however now they use gay splash screens and other stuff that lowers converstion rate.

Gammacash also used to offer a bundled exe type install.

Personally I have alot of projects using Zango, and If it was worth my time I would move it to another sponsor.

I will give zango credit on the DRM embededd video installer, although now they recently changed it to a javascript flash landing page.. Its ridicilious and really hurts converstions.

I'd avoid Zango, the converstion rate just sucks nowdays... What was 500 a day is now 200 bux a month... (total rip)

I have been trying matcash and it sucks ass. I attempted to use teddycash but some of the member pages didn't load and I contacted support and no response.
okay this thread just caught my attention.
I just looked up a bunch of info on teh google pack but i can't find anywhere that talks about allowing or disallowing it within a bundle. I also can't find where it says how much it pays/install. I'm going to have to email them aobut this. If it works out than that'd be fuckin awesome!

Also creating shareware screensavers isa great idea. if you really got one worthwhile i'd consider making it a time trial or something and charging the user to keep it. Theres a lot of money in that. Especially if your fast at getting them out. If you do go that route i'd recommend joining the ASP(association of shareware professionals) they have some great tools for accepting payments and doing universal affiliate programs for shareware.
Promoting Google Pack is the same as Promoting Firefox through Google, all you can do is put up banners.
I just looked up a bunch of info on teh google pack but i can't find anywhere that talks about allowing or disallowing it within a bundle. I also can't find where it says how much it pays/install. I'm going to have to email them aobut this. If it works out than that'd be fuckin awesome!

The reason why it might tough to include the google pack in a bundle is that google needs to track your download; the url is passed through to just like traditional adsense. That being said, you couldn't just include the install file in another bundle and get credit for it, because google wouldn't know where the referral came from.

And for the record, you can promote the google pack with banner OR text link ads. Just go to "Referrals" in the adsense setup.

And from my experience, google pack always pays $2.00 per install. This is the experience of others I know too. The Firefox referral is part of the google pack, by the way, along with the google toolbar, I think some antivirus trial, and google desktop. It basically googlizes your computer.
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