Pagerank update in progress


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Confirming some of my own sites have just been updated... it's about time. April 2010 was last update (yes, I know it's updated all the time, toolbar I am referring to).

To who? Retard indians who think PR matters?

I knew there would be at least one fuck who would be like..

"why do you care about PR?"
"PR doesn't matter!"

etc etc.

There's legitimate reason for wanting to know about a PR update.

Confirmation: 2 of my sites went from PR2 to PR3, one PR4 to PR5, and wickedfire's page rank went from 2 to 4 or 5 (On iPhone, so I can't check).

I posted about the PR update a few weeks ago.

PR doesn't matter, but as someone said above, retards'll buy sites JUST for PR.
To who? Retard indians who think PR matters?
There are plenty of retards who buy for PR. For people who sell sites, it has a direct correlation with the amount of MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS from future sales. Don't be an idiot all your life. We know about PR's low value in regard to SEO an such, guess what.... Different people here have different business models. Imagine that :eek:
What's funny is how people here are saying that who the fuck cares about pagerank, all awhile in the B/S/T section, members that are purchasing stuff like sitewide links/blog posts, care A LOT about the pagerank.
Sold one website with pr 0 , with a lot of money . Thrust me , PR does not matter
Nobody gives 2 craps about what you sold. When it comes to money that people will pay out ACROSS THE BOARD PR DOES MATTER.

I hate idiots that only see the bottom of the table and try to tell you whats on top of it. Your viewpoint is limited, you don't see what we see, recognize it and shut the hell up.

And no I won't THRUST you genius.