Optimizing a Sales-Page?


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
Is it a waste of time to try and optimize a sales-page?

I have tweaked the meta info, added index,follow...corrected any errors, tested all my links, added Google Analytic codes, a twitter button, pic, some decent bonuses, and threw in a hosting affiliate link, in addition to having submitted the site to search engines...(well Google for now anyways)

But, is there anything else that can be done to a stand alone sales page achieve better search results by optimizing it?

Just wondering before I pay to put the site on Clickbank or PayDotCom. Planning to build a WordPress site to support it as well, but for now it's all I got!


It's a reseller site w/ a free mini course, 3 seperate opt-ins, affiliate.php, video series, etc...and so far from what I've seen out there; a lot of people didn't even bother to alter the download html, or change "YOUR NAME" they just throw them out there like it's garbage.

Also, I am concerned... do reseller sites get 'sand-boxed" as duplicate content?


Google Website Optimiser.

Best fucking tool for optimizing your page. Once you start using it you'll realize just how powerful it is.
unique content,
in this case, think about it.

Kinda figured as much, with duplicated resale sites...I guess it's all about driving traffic the hard way!

King. Great Tip...looks awesome, once I get my niche sites together. Thnx
I'd definitely get that blog setup on the backend. Build some about, contact, etc. pages and link to them in the footer. You basically want your site to appear less "flat."

Submitting to search engines does nothing, build links.
Thanks Paul...I think you just taught me something so simple...yet huge that I've been missing. I've heard the term backend used repeatedly, but never realized the value of what the term meant. duh! Now, I'm starting to understand why so many people post stuff in the footer! Helps inflate the content. again..duh! Didn't know that! I have 2 tools I haven't even unwrapped yet that concentrate on these areas, WPSubscribers is supposed to have some great opt-in potential and I believe adds value to the page via search. And, Optimize Press, which I watched the video last night, but haven't broke it out yet.

Thanks...defo look more into linking info into the footer!

Yup...my sites have Exact-Match-Domains to the product, similar to the creator's, hoping that would help some, but so far I have matching blog(s) on (blogger) to do review, throw some links, maybe an opt-in freebie...

Still gotta learn to build a quality WordPress Site that will serve as the foundation for the 30-40 reseller sites I am hosting.

Finally, I did PayDotCom sign-up and have seven of the product sites on there, but didn't know they don't go to the market place until the 1st sale is made...kinda sux!

Debating on ClickBank...that $50 per site could cost me more than it's worth? dunno about that one yet. Might take the best of the sites I have that seem worthy and start with 2-3 listings, if they pay for themselves do a couple more...so on so forth.

Definitely a lot of work.

Plus I just bought a eCommerce site loaded with goods that will require similar efforts. Trying to ground down some membership ideas, that I can integrate into these products...that's where I think the real return awaits. Again, lotta work!

Thanks for the reply
1. install wordpress
2. install plugins
3. seo onpage and off page
4. build backlinks

that's all