Online games with "deep" communities?

Haha D11-Thresh, the Michael Jordan of Quake. He was the first true gaming celebrity. I remember back then professional gaming was just getting started, I used to love those battles that Deathrow had with U4 and other clans.

Then there was the ultimate match when Deathrow played Clan 9 from Sweden and got their asses kicked, though most of Deathrow at that time were playing Quake 2 and other games.

I played Red Alert and Quake on Mplayer for for about 2 years. Eventually I was surpassing the competition on Mplayer so I moved to using Gamespy to connect directly which is where all the top players were. The Red Alert players on Mplayer were pretty damn good though.

After those two games I realized online gaming was just taking up way too much of my time (3-5 hours a day) and quit completely and haven't touched a game since. That was around 2001 I believe.

I don't know if there are any other Mplayer gamers here but my screename was Mr. Mojorisin.

I ran with a lot of the top / elitest guilds in Dark ages. Had several rr11's. Used to run 2 bots and 3 computers when farming.

I love 8v8 and Zerg smashing in off hours. Nothing like playing a game with 8 people and being able to kill a mob of 200 other plays running together to be "strong".

If you played, you probably know what im talking about. Good times and good friends made on that game. I still talk to people from it even though we haven't played for like 8 years.
Just about every game I play, or have played, has some form of community. Mechwarrior, Guild Wars 2, BF3, WWIIOL, Planetside 2, SWOTOR, Warbirds, etc.

I've been pretty much playing Mechwarrior exclusively this year and am part of what must be close to a 100 man corporation, and there's a Teamspeak server we use with about 50 or 60 corps on it which is one of many.
I miss rolling around in pre-toa gank groups. So much fun zerg blasting as will said.

UO Lake superior - sony game called infantry - daoc bors server, daoc guin, daoc perc

Pretty much stopped gaming seriously after a brief wow 40 man progression guild run.
Recently started getting into CS GO. Before that I played LOL, and prior to that SC2.

It was hilarious how bad I was at CS after having not played in like 10 years
I have experienced the same problem, then switched to using an advertising account rental service with a 24-hour warranty policy. You can refer to it. Via telegram: @pphuong0101