Online games with "deep" communities?


New member
Mar 12, 2013
In another thread, someone mentioned Mplayer and I got to thinking about all the gaming communities I've been a part of over the years.

There was Mplayer and quake:


Invade lobbies, get drunk, abuse the mic, meet cool people. The community, especially because the voice chat was way ahead of it's time, was pretty cool. Have great, great memories here.

Then came IRC and Quakeworld. Same game, more serious environment. No voice chat on IRC, but during its prime, pretty much anyone who was anyone on the scene filled the one "quake" irc server. Every clan had their own room and the baddest of the bad had tons of people hanging in their rooms, waiting to watch them throw down.

Eventually moved on to Everquest and then WoW with Ventrilo.

Obviously, the community in most MMORPG's has went to shit with the massive influx of convenience features. So that is what it is.

I'm curious if anyone's playing anything out there with a tight community these days? I hear Eve Online is pretty high up there on that, probably at the top. Eve the best of the best out there for getting sucked into an online gaming community in your off hours?

Edit: Had nostalgic images for each little point I was going through here, but it wouldn't let me post them :(

cs global offensive and dota 2 are extremely fun team-based games that don't require heavy time investments. however, you'll need to find a good team of 5 for both games.
cs global offensive and dota 2 are extremely fun team-based games that don't require heavy time investments. however, you'll need to find a good team of 5 for both games.

Definitely interested in things that don't require significant, long-term, consistent time commitments. Too old to spend 8hrs/day, 7-days a week on a game.
The only games I ever subscribed to were Ultima Online in the 90's, Dark age of camelot when it came out, then nothing till Darkfall Online came out, which I played a LOT, but it was a total grind fest. DF actually got me back into coding by writing scripts with autohotkey for use in game.

UO was my all time favorite, never got into a game the same after. I've given some fps a shot, planetside 2 when it came out cause friends played it, but the f2p communities are fucking terrible.

I still linger on off topic sections from a few games every now and then.
The only games I ever subscribed to were Ultima Online in the 90's, Dark age of camelot when it came out, then nothing till Darkfall Online came out, which I played a LOT, but it was a total grind fest. DF actually got me back into coding by writing scripts with autohotkey for use in game.

UO was my all time favorite, never got into a game the same after. I've given some fps a shot, planetside 2 when it came out cause friends played it, but the f2p communities are fucking terrible.

I still linger on off topic sections from a few games every now and then.

Mostly, that's the same thing I'm experiencing, and maybe it's just nostalgia, but I haven't been able to find any online gaming community that's been able to capture me like I once was.

During my prime gaming years through Quake, QuakeWorld, Everquest, and WoW Vanilla, the communities were just different. Sure, you had asshats here and there, but for the most part, the games were designed in such a way that self-policing was a huge part of the communities. If you got your ass blacklisted as a moron, your gaming was done in most of these communities. Now? Not so much. Everything just seemed, I don't know... deeper, more involved.
I'm wasting time on War Thunder now. Although I'm not looking for community, you can form a squad of 5 players and go into skirmish games to pop noob heads.
Community should be pretty strong and helpful and it's growing constantly.
Although it's a free game, you have to pay for extras. Take this game as a CS:GO with airplanes. A match lasts from 5 minutes to 25.
arma 3 wasteland. good pick up and play. most people on blu/op-for seem to be willing to team up and play.

Or go indep and shoot everyone in sight. Plenty of guns, cars etc.

[ame=]ArmA 3: Wasteland Tutorial - What is Wasteland? - YouTube[/ame]

Or there is always QuakeLive =)
Used to play Counterstrike 1.6.. Would do 5v5 scrims all the time.. Had a good rotation of people i knew from a different community on ventrilo so we'd all be on there and have scrims all day between the 10 of us (or if there were 5 of us we'd get on IRC and find another team to play against).. Shit was a lot of fun back in the day. Kinda just outgrew it and most of us moved on. Just the other day though I logged onto steam and saw an old friend playing the new CS global offensive. That shit looks pretty awesome.

Fuck it, when I get home from class I'm gonna get my gfx card drivers working, install my docking station software, other monitor, and play some CS.
Just getting into Mount and Blade, has some good online regiments from what I can see so far, they actually march in formation etc...
Used to play Counterstrike 1.6.. Would do 5v5 scrims all the time.. Had a good rotation of people i knew from a different community on ventrilo so we'd all be on there and have scrims all day between the 10 of us (or if there were 5 of us we'd get on IRC and find another team to play against).. Shit was a lot of fun back in the day. Kinda just outgrew it and most of us moved on. Just the other day though I logged onto steam and saw an old friend playing the new CS global offensive. That shit looks pretty awesome.

Fuck it, when I get home from class I'm gonna get my gfx card drivers working, install my docking station software, other monitor, and play some CS.

On gamesnet/gamesurge? If you used any of the scrim finding bots like X-Bots ... hai2u.
I used to co-own a ventrilo/teamspeak service. Grossed about $10k a month for awhile, but the net was only $2k.. $3-4k towards adwords and the rest between bandwidth / ventrilo licensing fees to flagship.

I was huge into Q2 for quite awhile.. Very competitive with the map q2dm1 tourney / gxmod. Fucking time sink that was.
I started playing QW in late '97, quit it sometime in '01 and play it on and off when nostalgia hits me. It's still the greatest online gaming experience I've ever known and yes, the community made it.. just big enough to play new people yet small enough to know the regulars and play/watch the world's best. I remember hating Q2 and Q3 for a. being less 'pure', b. hurting the qw scene and c. not running well on my dated PC :D

Used to play Planetarion daily too, such a waste of time!