Oldtimers: Oldest passive income site you have...go

Tied for 2005, funny I would have thought they would at least one guy with a site from the early 2000s at least.

On the other hand, it just could be that people who had profitable websites back in the late nineties/early 2000s banked enough coin that they don't have to surf Wickedfire anymore.

Or they are dead. Or in jail with no internet access.

Well if anybody bought any half decent domains in the early 2000s they probably could make a lot of passive money just from throwing up a parked page.

My import tuner graphics site from 2004 would probably still be making $500-$2000/month on autopilot if FMC hadn't tried suing me for trademark infringement. Burned a damn solid alias in the process too. Site didn't rank for shit but had a huge grass roots following, got featured in some gay tuner mags BITD.

Between suits and Mountain View, I got nothing old left to throw in the ring. :(
I have an Adsense site from 2004. The earnings for the last year are around $800. It will be less in the future since traffic has declined by more than half. It has been at least two years since I did anything to the site.
Tied for 2005, funny I would have thought they would at least one guy with a site from the early 2000s at least.
Well, I do have the site from 2003 which went down 3 days ago.

It made just over $100 a year. I basically hadn't touched it in 6 years.
2007 is mine,but not a site. A referral to an ISP for a business. They signed up for a connection, I get a 50$ a month commission.

Total up front work was 20 minutes.

Total ongoing work is limited to the amount of muscular effort it takes to move my eyes over that line on my bank statement every month.
9 year old site. We killed it yesterday with a PHP upgrade to 5.3.15. Apparently ereg is deprecated, and I can't be bothered to fix it for a site that makes about $100 a year, so I am going to drop a lander on it and collect emails, then put them on an affiliate autoresponder.

Or something.

Just run a grep find and replace command for everything in the directory and change "ereg" to "preg" for the expressions. If it's just a string match you're using, do "str_replace" or something.

$100 is $100 lol.
It's in an encrypted plugin the site needs to run.

It's just not worth doing TBH. I can probably make $100 by putting up a one page lander with Adsense.

Not to sound like I am balling out of control (because I am not right now) but I have bigger fish to fry than spend 1/2 a day chasing $100.
Don't know how I missed this thread until now...

I currently have well over a thousand hands-free sites earning between $0.25 and $50 a day each. A few more earn more but aren't as hands free.

I learned long ago that having more hands-free sites was far better than having fewer sites that you had to lift a finger every other month for... So I have only made the hands-free sites since 2008 or so.

My record hands-free site was an Acai site that is obviously no longer a top earner. During the Xmas season 2008, it earned over $1200 A DAY hands free, just one domain about acai products. I say hands free, but I did SEO it and rank it far in advance though. In 2007 I actually had it ranking #1 for a lot of acai product terms but once I grabbed those spots I got lazy and slacked off... By mid 2008 I wasn't even in the top 10 for half of them and was working on other products when the craze hit.

I'm pretty sure it would have earned me millions if I'd just held onto those #1 KW spots through to 2009. In fact I have no doubt at all... But I also know that it was a total fluke that I hit the market at the right time and couldn't create that outcome again if my life depended on it.

...That's why high quantities of hands-free sites are superior.
all my old sites are gone, I have one blog which i neglect all the time, but i do get emails for advertising on it, and guest posts on it, I charge them shit tons of money just to do a post on it, which takes 1 min to post, easy moeny