Oldtimers: Oldest passive income site you have...go


New member
Feb 6, 2008
I have a site I built in 2008 that is essentially an Ebay affliate store with a few pictures of the product that I ripped off from the original site.

Like a lot of people, I used to have dozens of the EPNmicrosites generating a few bucks a month. This is one of 4 left that I still keep.

Generated about $35 last month and this month looks even better.
Haven't touched it in years.

Only two rules to this contest:

1. Site must have generated at least $100 in the last year.

2. You have spent less than one hour a year on the site. No additional copy, no upgrading. You have basically ignored it for x number of years.

The record right now is 4 years. Somebody here should easily beat that.


Not a site, but I can easily win.

A direct linking campaign with a popular hotel chain begun in 2005 and ended in 2008 still generates me $300-$400 a month due to unlimited occurences (i.e., loyal hotel guests booking repeat stays years after the fact).
You are talking about the vast majority of my sites. I don't know. Of the shitty dusty neglected Ebay sites, best ones probably do like 4 bucks a day.
My oldest one is an EMD ringtone site from 2007 that was making a passive $3,000/mo for a long time.

Eventually it got slapped by Google, but it still makes a completely passive $400/mo from ranking #1 and #2 on Bing/Yahoo for two very popular ringtone keywords.
I have a few people on a rebill for a service I no longer offer. I'm pretty sure it's out of pure laziness they continue to pay. But I do like free money, so I'm not complaining.
site i built in 2005, non EMD that has hundreds of markov generated content and images on it with adsense.

is up and down on google and yahoo/bing but has made me a passive $100-$500 a month since 2005.

total time invested:
1. 1 day upfront
2. nothing since the day i put it up ( no links, no content, nothing but 1 server move )
DB ringtone site, circa 2007. Got a white label offer and forgot to check in sometime 2010 after it dropped under $100 monthly. Pitiful monthly, but passive nonetheless.
i have grants site that I built in 2008 that still makes between $50-200 a month with most of it's traffic from a few Youtube videos. I swap out the CPA offer every once a while, but no real maintenance beyond that.
Have 3-4 sites that make about $1-5/day each for the past 3 years.

Havent updated them in about a year or so.

Oldest are adult signup rebills from when I did adult. Oldest one I had was this guy rebilling $30/month for at least 5 years. He has never canceled it.
9 year old site. We killed it yesterday with a PHP upgrade to 5.3.15. Apparently ereg is deprecated, and I can't be bothered to fix it for a site that makes about $100 a year, so I am going to drop a lander on it and collect emails, then put them on an affiliate autoresponder.

Or something.
Tied for 2005, funny I would have thought they would at least one guy with a site from the early 2000s at least.

On the other hand, it just could be that people who had profitable websites back in the late nineties/early 2000s banked enough coin that they don't have to surf Wickedfire anymore.

Or they are dead. Or in jail with no internet access.
I spent about 3 hours on a friends site back in 2007, traded work for "ad placement". Brings in about 300-400 monthly since then.
First site I ever built in 2005 (ecommerce) still makes around $500/yr and I haven't touched it since that first month I finished building it. It's done about $20k in profit total with most of that in the first year due to a popular trend.
Tied for 2005, funny I would have thought they would at least one guy with a site from the early 2000s at least.

I'd be in at 2001 except I haven't neglected my sites. Oh wait, drop the income requirement down to like $1/year too.