Ok I'm in deep shit

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Without a college degree your only options are not retail. You just have to be smart, play smart, and more importantly look smart or at least hardworking.

If you can handle the stress and uncertainty of online marketing sales, and more importantly commision sales is a way for someone to make real money without a degree.

Some of it might not be your thing; but there are pro car sales people with ten years experience making 6 figures.

Pharmaceutical sales... Real Estate or some big ticket items.

Plus you will learn a ton about people and there desires and buying habits.

Imagine what goal you want and make it happen in steps.

Want to be a real estate agent or commercial real estate broker? Learn sales, get good, and then move on. Start with soemthing like electronics or cellular phones or something. But not much money in those anymore...

Screw it.. go hang out at the hotel bars where the widows hang out and land you a rich mature lady to take care of your needs... but, you will have to take care of hers!!!
3 things

1. Figure out what you're doing to make the 1k a month and ramp it up. meaning get the fuck off message boards as they're nothing but a waste of your time.

2. Download a copy of PHP in a Nutshell and PHP for Dummies, and teach yourself how to code. I'll be extremely helpful in this as well as if you can't make this work there's a lot of people that will hire you.

3. Quit fucking whining, when I started in this business I didn't make more then 20$ a day for almost a year. I barely knew what a computer was when I started. You can make this work but you need to put 14 hours a day full time everyday until you have stuff working and then you can back it down to 12 hours.

If you don't have the funds to take a whole year without making any money I'd suggest getting a part time job as a waiter or something like that. I used to make about 200-300$ a day working 6 hours as a waiter so it's very feasible. Then while you're working that job teach yourself PHP then when you have the little bit of money saved up to live for a year, jump in with both feet and go at this business whole heartedly.
Get a simple job with Internet Acess.
So you can make money online while working all day.
I started out this way.

It is hard to work full time, coming back home to work online again.
That is too tiring, unless you're a robot. :)

Ohyeah, the 3 most important skills:-
1. Writing
2. Designing
3. Programming

If you had either one of them, you can be rich in no time.
Get a job that has you sitting in front of a computer.

Take the graveyard shift.

Build up your online business at work.

Quit when you've built your business up enough to be comfortable.

That's what I did several years ago.

You can go to prosper.com and make up a upstanding story about yourself- and get a loan to pay your debt off at once. The interest will prob. be lower than what you will get at a bank or any other lender. I had to take out $15k from there after some unexpected medical expenses left my ass $12k in the hole...took the extra $3k out for my biz. I pay it off in $488 payments each month for 3 years.

Better than having a ton of high interest debt hanging over your head!
man IM is an awsome business but you need to give it time to develop it. Create a few blogs and start doing bum marketing also do affiliate work but you need to focus set up a plan and go through with it. You should start seeing some money come in in a few. And i am sure you will pay off your debt wihting 6 months.

Daniel Arzuaga
Get a simple job with Internet Acess.
So you can make money online while working all day.
I started out this way.

It is hard to work full time, coming back home to work online again.
That is too tiring, unless you're a robot. :)

Ohyeah, the 3 most important skills:-
1. Writing
2. Designing
3. Programming

If you had either one of them, you can be rich in no time.

Good point about the internet access if ya can get away with it.

I disagree about the 3 most important skills - I would say getting traffic is more important than all of them - not much point having a beautiful design, perfect content and shit-hot coding if no one sees it! 9 times out of 10, traffic means understanding SEO or PPC management. (Both are also a lot more expensive to outsource than writing, design and programming too.)

I really need to make myself find time to try to learn php. At the moment I'm soaking up so much SEO stuff though (all different colours!), I know
what sticks is gonna be really useful and it's easier (and cheaper) to find a programmer than an SEO consultant/strategist.
You shouldn't have ran up the debt like you did getting going. I know when you started you talked about losing big chunks of money and was probably something you should have controlled better.

Nothing you can do about it now, but I agree with the general sentiment. Get a regular mundane job, and use that to support yourself and also finance your online business. Use your desire to not continuing working at that job as reason to spend as much of your time as possible on the online business. I suspect you will work HARDER on it with that set up, then you do now, even though you have all the time in the world.
awesome thanks for all your advice guys

basically I'm a bit down right now so I can't really focus, I'd say it'll take me a few more days to recover.

I have an offline business also that I'm about to launch with very little overhead and I will use my marketing skills to drive customers and it has very good potential to be very very good deal for me.

As of online stuff. I'll keep pluggin away til I'm down to my last couple of grand in credit line, then I might consider getting a mcjob.

My problem mainly right now is lack of motivation. My thinking pattern right now is: why try if I know it'll fail and I'll lose more money? I know it's not true, but that's how I feel, cuz most shit I tried failed miserably. It'll take some time to work this issue out.

Just gotta take it slow I guess and keep trying.

Thanks for advice guys.
My thinking pattern right now is: why try if I know it'll fail and I'll lose more money?

Walk away from everything until you get out of this mindset. If you have a defeatist attitude, you set yourself up for failure. Everyone goes through slumps. Take a breather and come back swinging.
You shouldn't have ran up the debt like you did getting going. I know when you started you talked about losing big chunks of money and was probably something you should have controlled better.


And yeah, get a job.
can you get any advice from int_josh42 on future hot niches? get of the message boards and work as stated and simply duplicate your $1000 profit 1000 times and you'll be a millionare!
why try if I know it'll fail and I'll lose more money?

I have the same attitude before and it was very destructive.

The way I got around it was spending time on low-risk low-investment low-reward businesses. After you see some success, you'll find it easier to take more riskier (in both time and money) ventures. In this case, it was spending time on arb pages back in January. I'm not making a ton of money off of them, but the steady earnings gave me the momentum I needed to get back in the game.
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