Oh you're Jewish? Merry Christmas!

The Christian Encyclopedia says:

“Christian preachers of the West and the Nearer East protested against the unseemly frivolity with which Christ’s birthday was celebrated, while Christians of Mesopotamia accused their Western brethren of idolatry and sun-worship for adopting as Christian this pagan festival.”

--Something was wrong from the very beginning of the holiday. --

It continues......

“Yet the festival rapidly gained acceptance and became at last so firmly established that even the Protestant revolution of the sixteenth century was not able to dislodge it,” the encyclopedia notes.


Concerning Christmas The book Early Christianity and Paganism states: “The comparatively little body of really earnest believers was lost in the great multitude of professed Christians.”

The book The Paganism in Our Christianity states: “It was a definite Christian policy to take over the pagan festivals endeared to the people by tradition, and to give them a Christian significance.”


Christmas soon absorbed many features from the profane harvest festivals of northern Europe. Merrymaking remained more common than piety as revelers indulged in gluttonous eating and drinking. Rather than speak out against the loose conduct, the church endorsed it. In 601 C.E., Pope Gregory I wrote to Mellitus, his missionary in England, telling him “not to stop such ancient pagan festivities, but to adapt them to the rites of the Church, only changing the reason of them from a heathen to a Christian impulse.” Thus reports Arthur Weigall, who once was inspector general of antiquities for the Egyptian government.


Did you know this pagan celebration was banned in England?

By the time Europeans began settling the New World, Christmas was a well-known holiday. Still, Christmas did not find favor in the colonies. Puritan reformers viewed the celebration as pagan and banned it in Massachusetts between 1659 and 1681.

After the ban was lifted, the celebration of Christmas increased throughout the colonies, particularly south of New England. In view of the holiday’s past, however, it is not surprising that some were more concerned with having a good time than with honoring God’s Son.


Merry Pagan Mas!

Please tell me where you get the idea sheep don't graze year around?

I jog outside in shorts year-round in the Caribbean, but I didn't in Michigan. I'll leave it to you to do the weather and geography research my man. And research on sheep grazing for that matter.

Christmas tree, yule log, - much like the easter bunny and decorated easter eggs its all been taken off the pagans.
Christmas tree, yule log, - much like the easter bunny and decorated easter eggs its all been taken off the pagans.
Yeah, I left the history of the beginning of using Christmas trees out, because I fond it boring compared to the rest of the origins. But the origins of all these things can be found with simple research. But it really doesn't matter, people want to do what they WANT to do. Pagan origins don't matter to "professed Christians"...

Hey Jesus, shutup, it's your birthday because we say so, alright?!?!
I'm not very religious and I LOVE Christmas. The trees, the mistletoe, the eggnog, the gifts.

Merry Christmas!

Even if I was Jewish I'd still celebrate it, do you know how often I think about Jesus during Christmas? I haven't yet...
I'm not very religious and I LOVE Christmas. The trees, the mistletoe, the eggnog, the gifts.

Merry Christmas!

Even if I was Jewish I'd still celebrate it, do you know how often I think about Jesus during Christmas? I haven't yet...
Exactly... You're smart enough to realize it's only a party and has NOTHING to do with Jesus.

I don't care. I just wish the radio stations would stop blaring "Last Christmas" at every opportunity.

the only thing that might be pagan about the whole ordeal, is the tree. Read a book. :)

Read a book? lol. What like Mein Kampf? :)

Look I didn't make the rules, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy in it. 'Oh it's just a tree' is a piss poor cop-out mentality.. and im not even going to get into the whole santa clause bit. The fact though is that, for 'christians', christmas is supposed to be about celebrating the birth of Christ, you know, our savior and all. Yet, all the 'christians' go out, cut down or buy a tree then adorn it with decorations. They do this every single year, like a.... oh I don't know... ritual? Then they go out and buy offerings and gifts and place them under the tree.

Sorry, but that's pagan, all the way. Not to mention that the materialism that surrounds Christmas directly contradicts their belief system.

That said, I love Christmas, but I am agnostic.
The detail though is that, for 'christians', christmas is presumed to be about celebrating the birth of Christ, you understand, our savior and all. Yet, all the 'christians' proceed out, slash down or purchase a tree then adorn it with decorations.
Actually, celebrating the birth of a child born from a virgin on December 25th is taken directly from a Pagan ritual that predates the birth of Jesus. In fact, that story has been told with several variations going back almost 4,000 years.

I read about it awhile ago, but forgot all about it. Dresden u are getting shot down left and right.